Daily Slave
December 23, 2014

At the top of the American government’s agenda is to do whatever the Jews want. Since the Jews have persecuted Germans for decades using their stupid Holocaust hoax as justification, it is no surprise that we see such a law passed by Congress and signed into law by the negro Jew slave Barack Obama.
Even though almost every German soldier who fought under Adolf Hitler during World War II is dead, the Jews are so vindictive that they pushed the American government to ensure that these people receive no social security benefits despite the fact that they earned them. Of course, everyone in Congress was scared to vote against this bill otherwise they’d be called an evil “racist,” “anti-Semite” or something else by a bunch of idiots in the Jew run media.
President Barack Obama signed Thursday a new law that bars suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving US Social Security benefits. The legislation came in response to reports that suspects continued to receive benefits long after losing citizenship.
The No Social Security for Nazis Act lowers the threshold for which the United States can cease Social Security payments to suspects. In the past, the US demanded a final order of deportation to finally terminate a person’s benefits. Now, denaturalization, or loss of American citizenship, is all that is required.
The law stemmed from an Associated Press investigative report in October that found at least 38 of 66 suspected Nazis ordered to leave the United States since 1979 continued receiving Social Security benefits. Many, the AP said, entered the US after World War II by lying about their pasts and becoming US citizens.
The American government should really be investigating the payments Jews have received from their stupid Holocaust hoax. That’s the real scandal.