Jew Traitor and Spy Jonathan Pollard Could Be Released as Part of ‘Peace Deal’

Daily Stormer
April 1, 2014

Jew traitor and Israeli hero, Jonathan Pollard.
Jew traitor and Israeli hero, Jonathan Pollard.

American Jew Jonathan Pollard was convicted in 1987 of betraying “his” country and passing sensitive information to Israel. He was given a life sentence.

The Jews believe that it is their right to cheat and betray anyone they please, even those who try their best to be loyal friends to the “chosen people”, as most Americans do. Therefore the Jews are deeply offended that we had the “chutzpah” to keep one of their precious kinsmen in prison, just because he was a spy and a traitor to the country that gave him every opportunity and kindness.

But now the Jews seem to be getting close to granting Pollard his freedom. In a bizarre turn of events, we are receiving reports that Pollard might be released as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

From Reuters:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rushed back to the Middle East on Monday to try to salvage stalled peace talks, possibly by releasing an Israeli spy jailed in the United States to push Israel to free Palestinian prisoners.

Requesting anonymity, a U.S. official said the release of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence in the United States for spying for Israel, was “on the table” as a possible element in a Middle East peace deal as an incentive to Israel.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who denied reports last week that Pollard – a former U.S. Navy analyst arrested in 1985 – might go free, gave a less emphatic response when asked about the latest prospects for his release.

“Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage and is serving his sentence. I do not have any update for you on his status,” she said.

White House spokesman Jay Carney gave an almost identical response to reporters when asked about Pollard.

The Jews in both the American and Israeli government are working hard to release their dear Jew criminal and traitor.
The Jews in both the Israeli and American governments are working hard for the release of their beloved Jew criminal.

We are told that the US will release Pollard in exchange for Israel releasing Palestinian prisoners. This, supposedly, will aid in the “peace process”. The whole situation is a farce.

The Jews have the long term goal of continuously displacing the native Arabs. They have no desire for a lasting peace and an end of Jewish expansion in the region. Any peace effort that does not involve the complete dismantling of the Zionist entity in Palestine is doomed to failure. The never-ending “peace process” merely serves to disguise what is really happening, giving a semblance of justice and legitimacy to the Jewish conquest of the Holy Land.

There is no way that anyone involved really believes that releasing Pollard will bring the region one step closer to peace. What is more likely is that the Jews, including those in the Obama administration, have been putting increasing pressure on the United States to release their precious Jew traitor, and they are presenting the release as a bargaining chip in the “peace process” as a way to combat any public outcry that might be occasioned by Pollard’s release.

The saddest part is that many Americans will likely fall for this Jewish trick. No wonder they love our country so much.