Daily Stormer
June 25, 2015

Two Jews in the Jew-owned Bloomberg outlet are asking Israeli Jews a very important question.
Born and raised in Israel, David Blum always thought of his country as a refuge for the persecuted. Why then, he asks, is the government stepping up efforts to deport African refugees? He says the policy is a betrayal of Israel’s traditions — and bad business given that the Africans are the backbone of the restaurant and hotel industry.
“It’s an embarrassment,” says Blum, human resources chief at Isrotel Ltd., which runs 17 luxury hotels across Israel. “For people who live with the traumas of the Holocaust, how can we have such short memories?”
More than 45,000 African asylum seekers — who critics refer to as “mistanenim,” Hebrew for infiltrators — reside in Israel, up from 3,000 in 2006, government statistics show. Many in the country say the migrants, mostly Muslims and Christians, threaten security and the country’s Jewish identity. In March, the government instituted a program that speeds deportations and imprisons many who refuse to leave.
“The State of Israel will not be the solution to the ills of Africa,” Ayelet Shaked, now justice minister, said in a radio interview last year. Most of the Africans seeking asylum in Israel “are not refugees, but labor migrants,” she said. In early June, Shaked wrote on her Facebook page that “dozens have infiltrated into Israel the last few weeks” and “only tough legislation that reduces the motivation to reach here” will discourage Africans from entering the country.
About half of the 7,000 maids and dishwashers at the country’s hotels are African migrants, mostly from Sudan and Eritrea, according to the Israel Hotel Association. That growing reliance on foreign labor illustrates the country’s transformation from a society of immigrants, many of whom tilled the fields and paved the roads, to a wealthier — but less equal — nation.
The obvious answer is that Israel is run by racist White people. Sure, they’ve got Jews at the head of it, as puppet figureheads, but behind the scene the American GOP and possibly Ted Cruz himself are running Israel and forcing them to abuse these innocent Africans who are trying to bring them all of the myriad of glories of diversity.
Israel needs to learn tolerance.
They need to open their borders.