Daily Stormer
November 2, 2014

The deranged Zionist Jew whore Lindsey Graham recently made remarks about how White men would do great if he were President. Apparently, this was a joke and taken out of context according to representatives from his campaign.
The statements were made at a private dinner. CNN first reported about the remarks Wednesday, and the AP later obtained twenty seconds of footage wherein Graham curses the government using profanity then says: “If I get to be president, white men who are in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.”
When attacked by the Democrats over the statement, Graham cracked and admitted it was lying about a plan to help White males, passing it off as a joke apparently designed to mock White males.
It isn’t like we needed official acknowledgement to understand that such a statement was a joke. Graham has done little to anything for the White man in America. He’s focused firstly on how he can get the American government to wage war against Jew enemies in the Middle East, secondly on how to rip-off the White working and middle classes to the benefit of mega-Jew corporations and thirdly on how to flood the country with subhumans from everywhere.
He could care less about White men.