Daily Slave
August 6, 2014

After the evil Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu lectured Barack Obama’s regime about how they should never second guess him in their dealings with Hamas, Obama approves a measure sending $225 million in aid to Israel for its Iron Dome system.
Could it be any more clear how pathetic and weak Obama is? He is a complete whore to Jewish power for approving this aid package after being publicly humiliated. Even worse is the fact that he has had practically nothing to say about the Israeli slaughter of Palestinian women and children.
From WSJ:
President Barack Obama on Monday signed into law a measure providing $225 million in emergency aid to Israel for its Iron Dome system, a key line of defense against rocket attacks Hamas has launched from Gaza.
The House and Senate cleared the bill on Friday. Israel had requested the money to speed up production of Iron Dome components and to maintain stockpiles.
“The United States is proud that the Iron Dome system developed in coordination with Israel and funded by the United States has saved countless Israeli lives,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. “Continued bipartisan support for Iron Dome funding ensures Israel will retain vital defense against rockets and artillery in light of the enduring threats.”