Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2015

Following the Jonestown Massacre committed against the Alex Jones Show by David Duke, Alex Jones originally uploaded a greatly redacted version of the interview/debate, then deleted it entirely, apparently not understanding that it is impossible to delete things from the internet.
The following day, he brought out the big gun – Jesse “The Body” Ventura – who has historically gotten Jones very high ratings and media attention.

This was a clear attempt to distract from the fact he had just been massacred by Duke and then attempted to cover it up.
Oh, but troubles.
Here are the top comments on the Ventura interview:
And this is only going to get worse. And worse. And worse.
The comments are all over his YouTube page, all over People are spamming his Twitter (@realAlexJones) and that of Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet).

It was absolutely idiotic for Jones to have Duke on his show in the first place. He could have easily continued to say “I don’t believe in confronting pure evil” or whatever other crap. Instead he invited him on, and got holocausted. During the interview, he behaved like an MKULTRA victim, talking about how Duke’s words – a barrage of facts – were giving him a headache and making him nauseous.
Having made this horrible, horrible mistake in allowing Duke on the show at all, his next move should have obviously been to play it off like “well, you know, we agree on some things, but I try to be inclusive of all humanity, and I don’t think all Jews are bad, etc. etc. etc.”
He could have even opted for common ground of some sort – “you know, I think we both want to stop what’s happening in America, and I’m not going to support racism, but I don’t think Duke is really our enemy.”
If he had taken that route, even I would have chilled out. I chilled out on Sargon of Akkad when he came at me like that. I might be Internet Bane, but Bane has principles.

The interview still would have haunted him forever, but not as badly. Instead, the dumb bastard first butchers the interview – which was two hours – down to 11 minutes and 39 seconds before he uploads it (I had previously reported it was 17 minutes, but that clip included other crap – here is a reupload of the original redacted clip), then he deletes the video completely, then he deletes the article about the interview from his website.
Then he goes on the show and says that Duke is a Big Bad Wolf, and that he is afraid of him.
This is a series of bad decisions unlike any I’ve witnessed in my life.
The Fat Man fell in a hole, and instead of trying to climb out, decided to attempt to dig his way to China.
It is possible that the Jew Rob Jacobson – who came out from behind the curtain during the interview – was responsible for first editing the interview down to less than 10%, naming it “Epic War of Words With The KKK” and then deleting it. This looks like “Jew in panic mode” behavior to me. But that just goes to show, does it not?

The seed has now been planted in the minds of millions of Jones’ listeners. And many, I’m quite certain, are already reading up and getting informed based on the facts that Dr. Duke presented on the show, none of which are the least bit debatable.
This is our biggest win yet. And we are going to keep on winning.