Jew Snake Audrey Russo Mocks Nationalists, Demands ‘Robes’ and ‘Scepter’

Daily Stormer
January 20, 2014

Audrey Russo. This must be the grin they had on their faces when they murdered Christ.

Jew Audrey Russo recently posted an article at the kosher conservative entitled Modern Antisemitism: If Jews Rule The World, Then Where’s My Scepter?, in which she attempts to ridicule antisemitic nationalists such as ourselves.

Russo’s main points are that 1) some antisemites cite The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which are largely held to be a forgery, and 2) if Jews really were in charge, then every Jew, including Russo, should be ruling like royalty:

So, since they resist the truth, AND persist to insist we rule the world (and not as Queen for a day), I have a few words for these serf-wannabees:


Acting in a typical Jewish fashion, Russo relies on deception and ridicule rather than rationally addressing the facts.

Regarding the question of The Protocols, we point out first of all that whether or not they are authentic, they do accurately describe what is happening in the world, and second, that our position does not stand or fall with The Protocols. The Jews had been expelled from dozens of countries before their publication, showing that gentiles already had good reason to dislike the Jews. Also, we can easily make a convincing case for the existence and detrimental effect of Jewish power without making any reference to The Protocols.

Our case against the Jews begins with the fact that not only have the Jews been disliked by every people they’ve lived with, but they’ve been disliked for the SAME REASONS. Time after time, the Jews have been accused of attempting to subvert the established order (especially the Christian religion) and gain dominance over society through covert means. How could such a stereotype consistently arise if there were absolutely no truth to it? Just as the Jews are always accused of trying to control society, wherever the gypsies go they are accused of being dirty, thieving, vagabond beggars. If this racial “hatred” were truly irrational, then why hasn’t anyone ever decided that the gypsies are trying to control society, and the Jews are filthy vagabond beggars?

Medieval depiction of Jews burning in Hell.
Medieval depiction of Jews burning in Hell. Our ancestors understood these people well.

Moving on to Russo’s facetious demand for “robes” and “a scepter”, we reply that in the modern world robes and scepters are no longer marks of power. Today, power is found in mass media, academia, and government, and in these areas the Jews have an undeniable dominance. Depending on who you ask, Jews make up only around 1.5-2% of the American population, but their influence is far greater than their numbers would suggest.

When it comes to Jewish control of Hollywood, debate is not even possible. Jews have written entire books bragging about how they built Hollywood, and write openly in Jewish publications about their dominance. From the Times of Israel:

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

Hollywood is the most powerful cultural organ not just in the United States, but in the entire world, and the content produced by Hollywood is decided upon by Jews, a tiny proportion of the global population.

We see a similar story when it comes to higher education in the United States, as the Jewish minority makes up 23% of students at Ivy League schools, thanks largely to ethnic networking within the tribe.

In American government, and especially in foreign policy, the influence of the Jews is obvious. The United States has spent billions of dollars on bloody mid-east wars and coups, actions which exclusively benefit Israel. Every nation in the mid-east that poses a threat to Israel has been invaded, attacked, or punished with sanctions by the United States.

The Jews may not wield scepters, but they do wield the most powerful military and cultural institutions in the world. What other racial group could more accurately be said to “control society”? And as for screaming “off with their heads”, while we have yet to progress to public executions of antisemites, brave men such as David Irving, Germar Rudolf, and many others have been put in prison merely for writing words which the Jews find offensive.

This is the twisted deception of the Jews: they control our nations and leads us to ruin and genocide, all the while pretending that they are absolutely powerless.

The Jews do not rule nobly with a scepter, but by means of trickery and deceit.