Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2014

The Jewish director of the X-Men films has been charged with “forcibly sodomizing” – that is, anally raping – a then 15-year-old boy in 1998 at his California mansion.
NY Daily News:
The suit, filed Wednesday in federal court in Hawaii, accused the 48-year-old “X-Men” filmmaker of first preying on the 15-year-old aspiring actor at a party at a California mansion where underage boys were plied with drugs and alcohol and taken advantage of.
“The stories that I’ve heard of what went on at the estate are truly despicable,” the accuser’s lawyer, Miami attorney Jeff Herman, told the Daily News Wednesday night.
Herman identified the accuser as Michael Egan III. Egan, who is now in his 30s and will appear at a Thursday news conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in L.A., was forcibly sodomized by the director when he was 15 in the late-1990s, according to the suit. Singer had promised Egan a role in one of his movies and had numerous sexual encounters with the boy when he was 15 and 16, Herman told The News. Singer also allegedly brought Egan to Hawaii for multiple extended trips when he was 17.
Singer gave “an alcoholic beverage . . . and mentioned finding a role for him in an upcoming movie that he was directing,” the suit says. “Defendant Singer told plaintiff how ‘this group’ controls Hollywood.”
“Singer masturbated plaintiff and then performed oral sex upon him. Defendant Singer solicited plaintiff to perform oral sex upon him, which plaintiff resisted,” the suit says.
“Singer flagrantly disregarded plaintiff’s unwillingness to submit, and forced plaintiff’s head underwater to make plaintiff perform oral sex upon him. When plaintiff pulled his head out of the water in order to breathe, defendant Singer demanded that he continue which plaintiff refused,” the suit went on. “Defendant Singer then forced plaintiff to continue performing oral sex upon him outside of the pool, and subsequently forcibly sodomized plaintiff.”
The allegations have shocked such-and-such-whoever, but I myself tend to simply assume that a Jew is engaged in boy-rape unless he is proven innocent of it.

Like the majority of men who rape teenage boys, the Jew Singer is openly homosexual.
Along with the traditional Jewish obsession with gay sex with boys, Singer shares the traditional Jewish obsession with Nazism and made a weird film about it in 1998 entitled “Apt Pupil.”
In the film, a young teenage boy, played by Brad Renfro engages in a semi-homoerotic relationship with an old man who was secretly a “Nazi war criminal,” played by the homosexualist Ian McKellen.
The film literally shows McKellen try to gas a cat while drunk.
For the record, Brad Renfro, who starred in Jewish movies from childhood, exhibited the characteristic behaviors of someone who had been sexually abused and died at the age of 25 from a heroin overdose. His first film, made at age 11, was The Client, directed by Joel Schumacher, who is – wait for it – an openly homosexual Jew.

It has also been alleged that the Jew Schumacher was the sex abuser of Corey Haim, who worked with — on the film “The Lost Boys,” and died in 2010 after a long battle with drugs. After his death, his friend and oft-co-star Corey Feldman came out and said they were both sexually abused as boys by a major Hollywood mogul, but wouldn’t say who it was.
Upon Haim’s death, Schumacher had this to say:
“Oh, he was just dazzling. He was so good-looking and so funny and so charming. There was no way in the world that that fantastic thirteen year-old kid’s life could have turned out the way that it did. There was no clue. to me. that it was ever going to happen to him and its really tragic. And I did stay in touch with him over the years and it was really like losing a family member. It’s just so sad.”
In 2008, the Jew Singer made a second Nazi film defaming the memory of the German people entitled “Valkyrie.”
The X-Men films he directed also tended toward Holocaust/Nazi/Jewish themes, as did the original stories created by Jews Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Singer’s newest X-Men film, Days of Future Past, is due out on May 23rd.