Jew York Crimes Bitches About Chinese Communist Political Corruption

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

Xi has weird but unoffensive physiognomy. Looks like a frog. 

The New York Times is unbelievable, the way these people whine and meddle in the entire world’s affairs.

You have to understand what this is: this newspaper sets the global agenda.

Or rather, the global Jewish agenda is announced through this newspaper – that would be a more accurate way of saying that. It isn’t the writers of the paper itself that are planning it.

New York Times:

There was a time, not so long ago, when a Chinese leader setting himself up as ruler for life would have stirred international condemnation for bucking the global trend toward greater democracy. Now, such an action seems fully in keeping with moves by many countries in the other direction.

The surprise disclosure on Sunday that the Communist Party was abolishing constitutional limits on presidential terms — effectively allowing President Xi Jinping to lead China indefinitely — was the latest and arguably most significant sign of the world’s decisive tilt toward authoritarian governance, often built on the highly personalized exercise of power.

The list includes Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, all of whom have abandoned most pretenses that they rule according to the people’s will. Authoritarianism is also reappearing in places like Hungary and Poland that barely a quarter century ago shook loose the shackles of Soviet oppression.

There are many reasons for such moves by Mr. Xi and others — including protecting their power and perks in an age of unrest, terrorism and war amplified by new technologies — but a significant one is that few countries have the standing or authority, morally or otherwise, to speak out — least of all, critics say, the United States.

“I mean, who is going to punish him internationally now?” asked Susan L. Shirk, the chair of the 21st Century China Program at the University of California, San Diego.

She and other experts described this “authoritarian reversion” as a global contagion that has undermined the abiding faith that forging liberal democracies and market economies was the surest path to prosperity and equality.

As far as all that goes – China has been an authoritarian country for like, 4,000 years. Communism was a weird thing they did, but it all shook out and basically now it is just a modern version of what it always was.

I have no idea if the Jews actually thought they were going to slowly convert China to the type of country where boys cut their dicks off and Pakistani rape gangs roam the streets looking for 11-year-old girls to gang-rape, drug and pimp out, or Xi deciding to extend his reign is just an excuse to whine about Putin and Trump and other leaders Jews hate.

But the whining.

The whole thing with all of this whining about “authoritarianism” is that Jews hate it because it builds strong countries and they are powerful in weak countries. They will always attack strong leaders.

As far as reality goes, China has always been corrupt af, and Xi has actually done a lot to change that. I mean, I have my issues with China and whatever, but as far as the Chinese go, he’s a great leader. The Chinese people love him, not in small part to the way he’s dealt with corrupt elements in the government.

What is the point of outing a leader by default just because they’ve been in for a few years?

What possible point could there be to removing a good leader based on an arbitrary rule?

Also, um.

Germany has no term limit.

I have never seen the NYT calling for Mama Merkel to step down, even though she’s been in office since 2005. Xi has been in since 2013.

They don’t care about term limits, that is retarded.

China doesn’t even have direct presidential elections – how are term limits a move toward democracy in a one-party state without direct elections?

Also, show me NYT calling for more democracy in Saudi Arabia. They don’t even call for women’s right to drive in Saudi Arabia.

It’s just bullshit.

China is on the naughty list now because they are now a developed country and they are not taking on the values that developed countries are supposed to have in the global European-style socialist system.