Daily Slave
September 2, 2014

A ridiculous Jew writer by the name of Ben Judah for the New York Times is calling for the West to arm the illegitimate coup government of Ukraine. This government was established largely by a Jewish financed coup only months ago and has been sold as democracy via the Jew run media in the West. Democracy as the Jew run media defines it is nothing more than a government controlled or influenced by Jews. The term does not mean what everyone thinks it means.
Others in the Jew run media are also calling for similar action. The Jewish Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is trying to make Ukraine a part of NATO as their military forces are suffering heavy losses at the hands of pro-Russian separatists in sections of Eastern Ukraine.
This Jew writer is only calling for this because he sees this move as being what’s best for Jewish power. He could care less what’s best for the Ukrainian people. With ridiculous articles like this, there should be a disclaimer anytime a Jew writes something. They should be forced to put a large “Jude” symbol at the top of their article so people know that they are reading information from someone who is a member of a vile deceiving race of people.
It is worth noting that Kurt Nimmo over at Infowars covered this same material but once again failed to mention the significance of the writer’s Jewish background and its links to Jew run Ukraine. It couldn’t be any more clear that the Alex Jones operation is becoming more and more illegitimate by the day.
Below is a portion of Judah’s article.
Russia and Ukraine are now at war. At least 2,200 people have died in the conflict; thousands more may die yet. The Western powers — America, Europe, NATO — now have no good options, but they cannot do nothing. President Vladimir V. Putin has left us with two dire choices, both fraught with risk: Either we arm Ukraine, or we force Kiev to surrender and let Mr. Putin carve whatever territories he wants into a Russian-occupied zone of “frozen conflict.”
It is a stark choice, and Mr. Putin is not rational. Any rational leader would have reeled from the cost of Western sanctions. Russia’s economy is being hit hard by a credit crunch, capital flight, spiraling inflation and incipient recession. This will hurt Mr. Putin’s surging popularity at home. But none of this has deterred the smirking enigma.
Ukraine cannot win this war. Mr. Putin has made it clear that the Russian Army will annihilate Ukrainian forces if they attempt to liberate Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukraine’s ramshackle army cannot rout the crack troops and conscript forces of an oil-fueled giant.
The West needs to be honest with Ukraine. We talk as though this country were one of us — as if, one day, it will become a member of the European Union and the NATO alliance. That is Kiev’s wish, but the West is not giving Ukraine the means to fight this war.
Ukraine is being destroyed. The economy is in tatters. The military will not survive a Russian offensive. Ukrainians are taking refuge in romantic nationalism and preparing for partisan warfare. The costs are mounting — continuing to fight will cost thousands of lives — and the liberal dreams of the revolution are drowning in the jingoistic fury and hysteria of war.
A few more months without meaningful Western help and Ukraine will have lost the fighting core of its army — and its infatuation with the West. This will be replaced by a sense of betrayal, and there will be no way for Ukraine’s pro-European liberals to survive the backlash. The far-right extremists now on the fringe will ride into Kiev’s parliament on the lids of the caskets being shipped back from the front. Ukraine will become a ravaged conflict zone: a European Syria, or a hideously enlarged Bosnia.
We cannot let this happen. If we believe that Ukraine will one day become a member of the European Union and NATO, then we should be ready to arm it. We must face the fact that the costs of unlimited European Union and NATO expansion have meant war with Russia by proxy — and then fight the war. Having reignited the hottest moments of the Cold War, we must deal with the consequences of encouraging democratization in Eastern Europe.