Daily Slave
September 29, 2014

A Jewed-out bagel shop owner named John Marx is not happy with Robert Ransdell’s anti-Jew political campaign. Even though one might assume the bagel shop owner is Jewish, it appears as if the owner is actually some brainwashed Christian Zionist wacko.
Marx did not like Ransdell’s political signs that say “With Jews We Lose,” and claimed that Christians shouldn’t dislike Jews. He actually believes that without Jews there’d be no Christianity.
Obviously this clown doesn’t even understand his own religion. According to what’s in the Bible, Jews were primarily responsible for killing Jesus and many Jews today are proud of it. If anyone should be against Jews it should be Christians.
Of course, Marx might just be saying this because if he wasn’t against Ransdell he’d probably lose a lot of Jew customers. After all, he runs a bagel shop which is probably frequented by Jews.
“I wasn’t happy with his (signs),” said Marx, known as the Bagelman.Ransdell, of Florence, has campaigned with a sign telling voters “With Jews We Lose” at U.S. 42 and Pleasant Valley Road in Florence on Aug. 29, and at Ky. 18 near Mall Road, among other places.
In reaction to publicity about Ransdell, “I wanted to reach out to the community,” said Marx, who is Catholic. “We had an over-run of challah for the New Year, and we gave them away.”
The New Year is the Jewish New Year 5775, celebrated this week with the Rosh Hashanah holiday. The round challah bread is a holiday custom.
“If it wasn’t for Jews, we’d have no Christianity,” Marx said. “No Christian should be anti-semitic.”
Marx, who lives in Crescent Springs, said, “I like to think that Northern Kentucky is a little bit above that kind of stuff.”