Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2015

Finally, liberal Jews are calling for Jew-Israel to be enriched with vibrant diversity.
Samah Salaime – an Arab feminist Israel citizen – writes for Israeli site +972:
I cannot get the images of Syrian refugees who fled their country out of my mind. I do not stop myself from searching for more details, photos, or stories from these endless journeys of death. There is not one story that does not include the words “Palestinian-Syrians” or “Syrian-Palestinians.”
The Israeli media mostly refrains from reporting on the humanitarian disaster that’s keeping the world busy, preferring to keep the Jewish People terrified of the asylum seekers recently released from Holot detention center. How can one ignore horrifying incidents, such as the 71 refugees who died in the back of a refrigerated truck on the border of Austria, or the 50 bodies that washed up on the shores of Libya, or the hundreds who drowned somewhere between Italy and Greece? How can one remain indifferent to the photos of thousands of refugees trying to cross into Macedonia and other countries on their way to Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, or Sweden?
Every single neighboring country — Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey — is full of refugees. These countries have began complaining about the burden of hundreds of thousands of refugees who are looking for work. Educated men are cleaning the streets of Jordan, the “new Chinese” are building Amman, talented artists take part in street bands on the streets of Istanbul, and young Syrian women have become the sex slaves of the Arab world.
The Western world puts on conferences and provides assistance — which is never actually enough — to these countries. Everyone gets involved, somehow.
Only one country totally ignores what is happening in the neighborhood: Israel. Here and there we hear about assistance to Syrians fighting against ISIS, we hear about the wounded Syrians who were hospitalized in northern Israel, and following the lynch on the ambulance by Druze citizens, Israel can no longer deny its involvement in Syria.
And me, the naive woman who looks on from the side, thinks: Why does Israel act like a spoiled child in the kindergarten of the Middle East? Who gave it an unlimited pass from taking responsibility? Why must millions of Syrian refugees leave their war-torn country, through the death journeys to Europe, while in Israel it’s business as usual.
She even goes on to claim that the Germans – an entire race of genocidal maniacs – are not morally superior to Jew-Israel.
The same Germany that murdered Jews 70 years ago learned its lesson and has opened its arms to foreigners from Syria. It absorbs refugees despite internal dissent and the difficult economic burdens it must carry. Meanwhile, the same country of refugees based on the story of Jewish oppression and the right to a safe place continues to abuse anyone who isn’t Jewish, such as Darfur refugees, victims of ethnic cleansing in Africa, and migrant workers.
The site is funded by the New Israel Fund, a social justice group of Jews dedicated to Jewing over their own selves by bringing diversity down on Jew-Israel.
This is happening more and more now. The Jews no longer have their religion to hold them together as a people, so a large portion of the Jew population is getting high on its own supply, as it were, believing in the liberal tripe they invented to sell to the goyim.
Though I think it is funny to see Jews Jewing over themselves, it is not my primary concern here.
More than actually forcing Israel to diversify, I am concerned about showing the world that Israel isn’t diversified, at the same time that virtually all persons calling for mass immigration to the US are Jews.
The hypocrisy is so thick, no one can deny it once they are shown it.