Jewess Dyke Rachel Maddow Says Someone Fed them Fake Trump-Russia Collusion Documents

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 7, 2017

It looks like someone took our advice. The Jewess dyke Rachel Maddow was on her PMSNBC show the other day whining about how someone had fed them fake documents purporting to prove that Donald Trump colluded with Russia.

Daily Caller:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow gave a “heads up” to other news organizations on Thursday after she was sent what she believes are faked National Security Agency documents alleging collusion between a member of the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“Somebody, for some reason, appears to be shopping a fairly convincing fake NSA document that purports to directly implicate somebody from the Trump campaign in working with the Russians in their attack in the election,” Maddow said in a lengthy segment on her show.

She suggested that the unidentified muckraker who sent her the fake documents hopes to undermine news organizations in general and deflate the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, which has been going on for nearly a year.

“This is news, because: why is someone shopping a forged document of this kind to news organizations covering the Trump-Russia affair?” Maddow asked.

On June 7, an unidentified person sent documents to an online tip line for Maddow’s show, she said.

Considering how these people have been foaming at the mouth trying to prove that Trump is a secret KGB agent, feeding them disinformation is a perfect strategy. If they publish fake documents, they look like fools. Even if they don’t, it throws them off balance and makes them think twice about publishing bullshit from unnamed sources.

Since dyke Maddow can’t do a story on these fake documents, maybe she can give us another world exclusive about Trump’s tax returns! That last world exclusive went really well! lol

They’re clearly on the defensive now. CNN employees have been caught on video admitting that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative is a hoax. Now dyke Maddow is on air warning her political allies to be cautious in publishing any Trump-Russia documents.

These fake news losers don’t know what to do now. They’ve blown all their credibility trying to destroy Trump with conspiracy theories and falsehoods. They’re literally freaking out.

The era of fake news from evil Jews is ending.

Is it any wonder why dyke Maddow has such a sad face?