Jewess Washington Post Writer Celebrates Rand Paul’s Neoconservative Transformation

Daily Slave
September 7, 2014

Could it be any more obvious that Rand Paul is just another fraud working on behalf of Jewish interests?

A Jewess Washington Post writer by the name of Jennifer Rubin has written an opinion editorial celebrating Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s neoconservative transformation.  As if this transformation wasn’t obvious enough, with his meetings he held with prominent Jewish neoconservatives like Bill Kristol and his visit to Israel – this should make it clear to even the most dense Alex Jonestowners.

How on earth can all of these fake libertarians and fake patriots defend Paul when he is an open supporter of Israel and is calling for more military intervention in the Middle East?  It goes completely against what any of those people allegedly stand for.

Below is a quick blurb from Rubin’s article.  According to this pig demon propagandist, it seems as if she thinks that any position that is against the interests of Israel or the Jews is indefensible.

Washington Post:

After declaring certain Christian defenders of Israel to be “warmongers,” arguing we could not defeat the Islamic State without being an air force for Iran, opining we didn’t have a national security interest in Syria or Iraq, accusing interventionists of abetting the Islamic State’s rise and decrying Hillary Clinton as too hawkish, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has decided that if you can’t beat the “neocons” he might as well join them. He told the Associated Press: “If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress. I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily.” Well, welcome aboard, Sen. Paul. And thank goodness he has dropped his prior indefensible positions.