Jewess Who Got Harassed by Blacks to Prove Feminism Now Complaining About Death Threats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2014

Jewish privilege once again being used to mock Blacks.
Jewish privilege once again being used to mock Blacks.

Shoshana Roberts, the Jewish woman famous for harassing Black men on the streets of New York for ten hours by invading their neighborhoods and agitating them with her fat ass, is whining about the vast number of people on the internet who want to murder-rape her.

Sure, she might be a big strong feminist Jew, but people threatening to rape and murder you over the internet is serious business – especially considering that over 80% of only murder threats result in actual murders – and mind you, these numbers include death threats made over Xbox Live [citation needed].

The Guardian:

Roberts became the target of rape and death threats.

“I was scared out of my mind. I was really thrust into this. My goal was not to be the face of street harassment.”

Some of the behaviour in the video, like that of the man who walks close beside her, in silence, for five minutes, is profoundly unsettling. Yet plenty of the comments are innocuous – or even, polite (“Good morning”; “Have a nice evening”) – and the most prevalent criticism was on the racial politics inherent in the video. Hollaback released a statement: “We regret the unintended racial bias in the editing of the video that overrepresents men of colour.” That day of filming included a line of white businessmen, “who were like, and excuse my language: ‘I’d fuck the shit out of you.’”

This scumbag has never produced the footage of these White businessmen, nor has he explained why they were acting so uncharacteristically for White businessmen. I have personally spent a lot of time around Whites including many businessmen and never once have I heard one of them say “I’d fuck the shit out of you” to a random person on the street.

We have repeatedly asked the lying bastards at Hollaback for proof of these anti-White claims, and they have thus far provided nothing – even while their SJW believers are demanding the same thing as we Nazis.

It seems to me that White men should be able to file a class-action lawsuit for defamation here. I am not sure how that works. But at the very least White businessmen in NYC should be able to force these liars to show that White businessmen have ever made such statements to women randomly on the street in the daytime, and if not receive compensation.

Anyway, continuing with the Guardian piece.

“All I did,” she says, “was walk down the street with [Bliss] filming and he hasn’t been in contact with me so these aren’t even questions I can ask him. Rob got his ad revenue, Hollaback got their donations and I got people who wanted to slit my throat.” She’s laughing, but she admits: “I was very bitter.”

However, things may be looking up. Just last week, she says, Hollaback gave her $200 to cover expenses. Not much, but she pronounces them “wonderful” and says that she may be partnering with them on a pepper-spray product: “They want me on their advertisements, my picture on the back, some video testimonials of me using it.”

Thirty-eight million views is a powerful thing: it’s possible the video has made some men think twice about yelling at passing women. It hasn’t, however, changed much for Roberts. “I’m still babysitting so I can eat. Sitting here, talking with you, it’s still hard to believe it happened.” Nonetheless, she’s happy that it did: “I was just so exasperated thinking about it – I didn’t know what to do when it [street harassment] happened. I still don’t know what to do and it still happens.” Roberts says that she continues to receive catcalls from men of “every size, shape, colour, religion”.

“I’m just like everybody else, I want to make a difference in the world. I’m glad I was able to help.”

Hear that goyim? She just wants to help.

And yeah. I bet a bunch of Black guys watched that video on YouTube and were like “oh sheeet dawg. We bes not halla at dem betches no mo.”


These levels of ridiculous idiocy. They are overwhelming at times.

Here’s the video, in case anyone’s forgotten it.