Jewess Writes Washington Post Op-Ed Urging Jewish Jokes to Cease, Because Muh Anti-Semitism

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2015

Michelle Van Loon, the ugly Jewess behind the loony article.
Michelle Van Loon, the ugly Jewess behind the loony article.

Michelle Van Loon, a Jewess “Christian” writer, recently wrote an op-ed article that called for Jewish jokes to stop. It appeared on the Washington Post.

The Jewess’s article ironically begins with criticism of the Jew mongrel comedian Trevor Noah and the Jewess Lena Dunham. Fancy that—a Jewess criticizing Jews for deprecating Jews.

Then she continues on with some more babble about the lack of Jewish integration into American culture, an anecdote about an old friend who told her a Jewish joke, et cetera.

At the end she complains that the rising fervor of anti-Semitism “has shifted the context into which Dunham, Noah and my old friend are doing their lounge acts” and that the first sign of “things [that] could change for us” is when Jews become the punchline of more and more jokes.

Jokes about Jews, to Van Loon, act as a stepping stone toward institutional anti-Semitism. If Jews continue to be joked about, then that’s a sign of anti-Semitism, which will then inevitably lead to another Holocaust complete with gas chambers, gas vans, soap, lampshades, the whole nine yards.

Cry me a river. Jewish jokes are hilarious.