Daily Stormer
October 16, 2015

Stupid again in the Guardian: Jewish-Muslim women’s network is launched with government support
But is it stupid, or is the article about it just stupid?
These people are making money – they got a £30,000 grant. They can’t be that stupid.
A Jewish-Muslim women’s network aimed at breaking down religious and cultural barriers has been launched with government backing.
About 150 people attended the launch of Nisa–Nashim – meaning women in Arabic and Hebrew – at the Islamia Girls’ school in north London on Wednesday, against the backdrop of worsening violence in Jerusalem. Melanie Dawes, the senior civil servant at the department for communities and local government, told the meeting she was “proud of the diversity in this country’s communities”. The government has supported the network with a £30,000 grant.
Julie Siddiqi, the Muslim co-chair of the network, told the Guardian: “The timing makes this more important, not less – it encourages and motivates us more.”
Laura Marks, the Jewish co-chair, said: “Obviously there is some suspicion, especially this week when things are so awful in the Middle East. Some people will say, what’s the point, but we have to try.”
Jews and Moslems are natural friends, given that they have the same enemy (us). They mostly just kill each other because that’s what all Demiurge monkeys do when they’re bored.