Jewing Intensifies: Sebastian Gorka Also Apparently Getting Fired from the White House

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2017


Looking like another one of our guys is out.

Washington Examiner:

Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, will soon accept a position outside the White House, two sources told the Washington Examiner on Sunday.

Gorka’s new role will deal with the “war of ideas” involved in countering radical Islamic extremism, a senior administration official said, and will entail an appointment to a federal agency.

Gorka has served for months on the Strategic Initiatives Group, an internal organization within the White House, and as a national security adviser. His exit from the White House comes amid increased speculation that a reported lack of a security clearance prevented him from fully performing in his job.

But a source told the Washington Examiner that Gorka’s role in SIG was always meant to be temporary, and suggested he had been placed there while administration officials created a terrorism-related position for him elsewhere in the government. An official said Gorka has been in a “holding pattern” while he waited for the position, which will not be at the State Department, to be established.

A spokesman for the National Security Council said he did not “personally know” the details about Gorka’s move.

A White House source said Gorka’s role has always been unclear and said Gorka never had national security issues in his portfolio. “This guy has always been a big mystery to me,” the source said of Gorka’s contributions to the staff.

The source said Gorka’s only known duties included speaking on television about counterterrism, as well as “giving White House tours and peeling out in his Mustang,” but added that he had few notable responsibilities.

Gorka’s status in the West Wing has been the subject of speculation amid reports that the White House had weighed options that would place the former Breitbart editor in another areas of the administration. The author of Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, Gorka is a counterterrorism expert whose ability to articulate Trump’s plans for battling the Islamic State has become an asset for the White House.

I will note that Breitbart is reporting that this is an urban myth.

But they’re just citing “sources” – the Examiner actually has “I don’t know” statements from public officals.

At this point, it seems more likely that he’ll be fired than not – I don’t really need a source to tell me that either way.

Donald Trump is a hostage of the Jews, and Gorka, despite being a little bit neocony, is not onboard with the full-Jew agenda of #HostageTrump.

Please note that Jews are still using the echoes meme on Twitter.