Jewish Author of Gay Black Santa “Children’s Book” Under Fire

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2017

Daniel Kibblesmith claims he wrote Santa’s Husband so toddlers would associate Santa and Christmas with gay interracial sex.

Seems kind of odd that a normal person would want to make the Christmas season – a time of family, love and warmth – all about something gross and obscene.

But not when you know the socio-racial context: Kibblesmith is a filthy Jew!

The book naturally sparked a backlash.


It all started last Christmas. The Mall of America had hired a black Santa Claus, and the internet was having a meltdown. In response, humor writer Daniel Kibblesmith tweeted that when he and his wife have children, he’ll tell them that Santa is black and when they see a white Santa, that he is Santa’s husband.

“We would have this extremely woke baby who was open to a Santa Claus with all kinds of orientations,” Kibblesmith told me, half joking.

The tweet went viral, leading to illustrator A.P. Quach posting a painting of a black Santa and white Santa in loving embrace. Santa’s Husband was born.

The Harper Collins-published children’s book comes out Tuesday, and though it started as satire, the result is a genuinely sweet story that depicts a sound, joyful marriage—a particularly valuable sight, given the dearth of adult relationships, queer or not, shown in children’s books.

But of course, Kibblesmith and Quach have faced a lot of trolling for their status quo-challenging art; Kibblesmith says he even found his picture on a white supremacist’s blog trying to “out” him as Jewish. VICE spoke with Kibblesmith about the various politically-minded themes he and Quach sneaked into their innocuous-enough children’s book, and what he’s learned from the troubling and all-too-predictable online reaction to Santa’s Husband.

So this Jew makes a political book aimed at little kids and then pretends to be dismayed at the political reaction.

Not hard to see Mr. Kibblesmith’s desire for his children to associate Santa Claus with this kind of crap – he wants them to stay loyal to Hanukkah!

What is even more amazing is that the book was released by HarperCollins, a corporate publishing house owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corps. I doubt most people who watch Fox News would be happy to see what kind of toxic trash its sister companies are releasing into the world’s bloodstream.

If you see this book featured anywhere in the kids or holiday section of your local bookstore, take it to the manager and lodge a complaint. Make them put it in the “adult” section of the bookstore with the rest of the pornographic filth!

Act now before Randi Weingarten and the rest of the gay Jews who influence your kids’ school curriculum make this mandatory reading for 2nd graders.