Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2015

The world is going to hell at rocket-speed. Following the Bruce Jenner fiasco, record numbers of children are coming out and claiming they believe they are the opposite sex, and demanding they be accepted as such.
Now, as the nation sees a growing acceptance of transgender people such as the former Olympian Jenner, Bay Area therapists and physicians are seeing a surge in the number of families seeking advice — and sometimes medical intervention — to help kids whose perceived genders and bodies don’t seem to match.
“We have lifted the lid culturally,” said developmental psychologist Diane Ehrensaft, whose Oakland practice has seen a fourfold increase in the number of gender-questioning kids in recent years. “These kids have always existed, but they kept it underground.”
Her colleague, Steve Rosenthal, started the UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Center three years ago and now serves 200 families, including Bishop’s, and has opened a satellite branch in San Mateo. The gender center took on 13 new families in May, the clinic’s busiest month yet.
One of the challenges now faced by gender specialists is sorting out the tomboys and boys enchanted by princess dresses from the truly transgendered.
“Sometimes we have to slow the kids down to give them space to think, because kids want to go fast and make things happen,” Ehrensaft said. But when kids express true urgency, she said, “sometimes we have to speed ourselves up.”
Some come to accept their bodies but continue exploring what it means to be male or female in their own way, Ehrensaft said. Others may discover that they’re gay or lesbian.
But for about 10 to 15 percent of these children it’s different, said Rosenthal, a pediatric endocrinologist.
Feeling they’re in the wrong body makes them miserable, he said. It keeps them up at night and gets worse as they hit puberty. And, he said, nearly all who feel that way into adolescence go on to be transgender adults.
For children who are “persistent, consistent and insistent” that their biological gender doesn’t match who they really are, it’s critical to act, Ehrensaft said. “Holding a kid back when they know there’s an intervention that could help them feels to them like they’re swimming in deep water, nearly drowning, and you’re standing with a life jacket around your arm and not giving it to them,” she said.
Do you know how easy it is for an adult kike to guide a child into this type of delusion? What’s more: do you know how easy it is for them to guide their parents?
How is it possible that this is happening? On such a scale? And we as a society are sitting by and saying “well, okay, Mr. Jew – I guess if you say we need to give our sons injections of female hormones and then cut their dicks off, we’ll go ahead and follow your expert advice.”
Parents have been letting kike doctors cut a third of their boys’ dicks off for decades now – why not the whole thing?
Things are very, very bad. And they are getting worse daily. Hourly, even.
And it’s exponential.
Can you even begin to imagine the disaster we are headed for?
Honestly, brothers: I cannot.
I cannot even begin to imagine it.