Jewish DoJ Inspector Trying to Kike the FBI Claiming They Jewed Clinton

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2017

Why is stuff like this happening in the last week of the administration?

What is the plan?

Are these kikes just spoiled children?

Are they just trying to grasp their own failure on a personal level?

Or is there something else going on?


The US Department of Justice is launching a review of how the FBI handled the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, and whether public disclosures of the investigation cost Clinton the presidential election, as many have claimed.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced the investigation on Thursday, saying it comes, “in response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public.”

The review will examine if FBI Director James Comey violated established procedures when he discussed the Bureau’s findings at a press conference in July 2016, and when he sent Congress a letter about renewing the investigation in October, shortly before the election.

Democrats have blamed the October disclosure on Clinton’s narrow loss to Republican Donald Trump in several key battleground states.

Horowitz will also look into a number of DOJ and FBI employees who are accused of leaking information to the public, including Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter J. Kadzik, who reportedly disclosed non-public information to the Clinton campaign.

The inspector-general will be reviewing “allegations that the Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed in connection with, or in actions leading up to or related to, the FBI director’s public announcement on July 5, 2016, and the director’s letter to Congress on October 28 and November 6, 2016, and that certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations.”

You know I’m a little bit surprised that there hasn’t been more talk about Comey being a Russian agent. It’s been suggested, but that seems like a lot more logical angle to come at this from than the Wikileaks angle. I mean, they don’t care about evidence, so they could just as easily accuse Comey as Assange.

Comey’s actions were way more important than Assange’s and he is an official of the US government meaning if he was controlled by Russia that would be a lot more serious than Russia sending out a phishing email to a stupid old guy who clicks a link to change his password.

It’s quite possible the Jewish media will come out next week and say Comey is a Russian spy – throw in a little bit of piss-sex and boom – you got yourself a friggin Pulitzer-tier investigation. Then the DoJ kikes will just be like “yeah, the Jewish media is right – this is all a conspiracy!”