Daily Stormer
May 24, 2015

Feminism is an entirely Jewish invention. Or rather, it was the Jews who took already out of control women and pressed them into destroying civilization completely.
Wikipedia offers us this list of Jewish feminists.
- Bella Abzug
- Kathy Acker
- Rachel Adler
- Larisa Alexandrovna
- Gloria Allred
- Shulamit Aloni
- Rebecca Alpert
- Pauline Bebe
- Mayim Bialik
- Malke Bina
- Hanne Blank
- Lisa Bloom
- Judy Blume
- Daniel Boyarin
- Susan Brownmiller
- Judith Butler
- Aviva Cantor
- Naomi Chazan
- Judy Chicago
- Ruth Dreifuss
- Hedwig Dohm
- Andrea Dworkin
- Eve Ensler
- Amy Eilberg
- Jane Evans
- Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
- Susan Estrich
- Susan Faludi
- Merle Feld
- Shulamith Firestone
- Betty Friedan
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Ilana Gliechbloom
- Emma Goldman
- Elyse Goldstein
- Lynn Gottlieb
- Blu Greenberg
- Tina Grimberg
- Charlotte Haldane
- Nina Hartley
- Tova Hartman
- Judith Hauptman
- Dorothy Ray Healey
- Susannah Heschel
- Anat Hoffman
- Brenda Howard
- Sara Hurwitz
- Paula Hyman
- Elfriede Jelinek
- Erica Jong
- Elana Kagan
- Roberta Kalechofsky
- Michael Kimmel
- Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner
- Naomi Klein
- Gilah Kletenik
- Edith Konecky
- Barbara Kruger
- Anna Kuliscioff
- Michele Landsberg
- Paulina Lebl-Albala
- Lori Hope Lefkovitz
- Gerda Lerner
- Amy-Jill Levine
- Ariel Levy
- Fanny Lewald
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Frederica Sagor Maas
- Shelby McCabe
- Hana Meisel
- Annie Nathan Meyer
- Haviva Ner-David
- Martha Nussbaum
- Margit Oelsner-Baumatz
- Tillie Olsen
- Judith Plaskow
- Letty Cottin Pogrebin
- Rachel Pollack
- Katha Pollitt
- Virginia Postrel
- Sally Priesand
- Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
- Tamar Ross
- Muriel Rukeyser
- Danya Ruttenberg
- Sheryl Sandberg
- Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- Rosika Schwimmer
- Drorah Setel
- Alice Shalvi
- Mendel Shapiro
- Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
- Susan Sontag
- Daniel Sperber
- Annie Sprinkle
- Gertrude Stein
- Gloria Steinem
- Sandra Steingraber
- Elana Maryles Sztokman
- Yona Wallach
- Wendy Wasserstein
- Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
- Naomi Weisstein
- Ruth Westheimer
- Naomi Wolf
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
- Diana Yoel
- Lauren Shay Kaufmann
What is really weird is that even while going full-manosphere, Paul Joseph Watson is not pointing out the obvious fact that all of these people promoting this stuff are Jews.
Maybe someone should ask him why he is refusing to point that out.
Hit him up on Twitter @prisonplanet and see if you can get him to explain why he is leaving out this rather important detail from his presentations on feminism.