Jewish Feminist BTFO on BBC Radio After Writing a Book That Makes Fake Claims About Faggot Executions!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 28, 2019

The relatively well-known American Jew feminist Naomi Wolf has written a book about the terrible persecution of faggots throughout history, where she chronicles the true fact that people were literally executed for ramming their cocks up other men’s assholes, which is an act of love.

However, the Jew ran into a major anal roadblock when she appeared on BBC radio with host Matthew Sweet, who gently explained to her that much of her book is complete and total bullshit – we might even say that Wolf is suffering from literary incontinence.

Sweet brings up a passage in Wolf’s book “Outrages” wherein she claims that one Thomas Silver was executed by the British for an act of love. In fact, the term used in the British court records of the Old Bailey is “death recorded,” which, as Sweet calmly explains to the stupid old Jew, does not mean “execution.” It is a legal category that was created in 1893 that allowed judges to forego giving the death penalty to a criminal.

He also notes that the homosexual Silver was charged with forcibly jamming his penis up the anus of a six-year-old boy, which is something that is hard for even a modern Jew to portray as an “act of love.”

Apparently, Wolf includes an entire list of cases that say “death recorded” in her book – and none of them were executions!

Since this interview, others have gone through and confirmed that the interviewer was right, these were not executions. She was claiming that the official “last execution for homosexuality in Britain” in 1835 was not really the real last execution for homosexuality in Britain – and in fact, it actually was! This bitch was claiming people were getting executed for assfucking in like, the 1940s – because she didn’t bother to look up the terminology!

There is even a Wikipedia page on the term “Death Recorded”!

What an incredible fuck up!

This book is already printed! Probably tens of thousands of copies! It’s available for pre-order on Amazon and ships in less than a month!

What are they going to do??? Put in a note saying “sorry, this entire section of the book is actually fake, plus actually, most of these people should have been executed because they were sodomizing the buttholes of little boys. Sorry”?

It doesn’t seem that way! Wolf has said that she’ll edit “future editions”! So how many people are going to be reading this book and not knowing about the BBC interview???

You have to ask: was this actually even an accident???

Remember this: the same kikes who engage in this kind of fuckery are the kikes that believe they have an absolute right to censor whatever information you see on the internet.

They are publishing and selling entire books of fake information – admitting it is fake and then selling it anyway. They are faking quotes from Donald Trump, they are faking quotes from Andrew Anglin – and they are telling you you aren’t allowed to view gaffe mash-up videos of Nancy Pelosi, because you’re just too stupid to deal with that!