Commie Jew Huffington Post Cites “Conservative” Kike Jennifer Rubin Attacking Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2019

Oh what’s this?

The Jewish Huffington Post citing the WaPo “kikeservative” Jennifer Rubin to prove that “even conservatives agree” Trump is evil and wrong?

You don’t say.

Huffington Post:

Jennifer Rubin says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has already figured out how to handle President Donald Trump. 

“To say [Pelosi] has mastered the art of dealing with President Trump would be a gross understatement,” the conservative Washington Post columnist wrote on Wednesday.

The trick, Rubin said, is to treat Trump like a toddler in the middle of a meltdown.

Pelosi sent a letter to Trump on Wednesday asking to postpone the State of the Union address due to the government shutdown and security issues. Or, as Rubin put it, “she’s taking away the president’s TV” in response to his “nearly month-long temper tantrum.”

This is what we call the “kosher sandwich.”

It is actually a “kosher panini,” because you, the goyim, are smooshed between these two kosher pieces of Jew bread.

What they do is have Jews on both sides of the political spectrum, so wherever you turn, there’s a kike there to shove you back in the Jew system.

Every position must be held by a Jew, in order to control whatever is happening on that front. And then, when they get a chance, the Jews give each other reach-arounds, as you see with the Jewington Post citing a “conservative” kike.

This example is a really obvious example of this phenomenon, which is why I’m pointing it out. But you have many less intuitive examples, such as Ben Shapiro being against trannies and also Donald Trump somehow, while also being a complete shill for Israel.

Or you have Jacob Wohl being a Jewish Trump supporter, who is also obsessed with Israel.

On the left you have every conceivable position, from center-left to full-communist being controlled by Jews. Like, you’ve got these empowered brown people who are preparing to go on a jihad against Israel, something which I imagine makes a whole lot of Jews uncomfortable.

But then who is their leader?


Another Jew.

Who is also a supporter of Israel’s alleged “right to exist.”

He even kicks Palestine supporters out of his rallies.

This is how it goes.

Jews must occupy every position. But if you look at them, it is very, very obvious that the shared factor among them is that they all support the Jews as a group.

In this Jewish system, normal people are like a blindfolded guy in a circle of guys waiting to punch him in the face whichever way he turns.