Jewish Labour Coup Intensifies! Will Corbyn Resign???

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2016

Jeremy Corbyn Your Friend

The attempted Jew takeover of Labour continues to deliver the lols!

Labour party official Ken Liviningston appeared on Leading Britain’s Conversation with David Mellor and Michael Crick and three times refused to deny Adolf Hitler.

He is now being called “the Reverse Peter” by most of the internet.

Ken: If I’d known that this eruption, all this waste of time [it] was going to be, I wouldn’t have mentioned Hitler.

David: So are you sorry for mentioning Hitler?

Ken: I wish I hadn’t…but I’m not going to apologise for telling the truth.

Michael: But are you sorry that you mentioned Hitler?

Ken: I regret doing that.

Michael: Why don’t you say I’m sorry?

Ken: Because sorry sounds I’m apologising for what I said!

The context is Livingstone’s factual statement that Adolf Hitler supported Zionism. Of course, he used it in the most cucked way imaginable – “Zionism is bad because Hitler supported it” – but that isn’t really the point.

This has enraged the Jews for multiple serious reasons: he is questioning Zionism, he is mentioning Adolf Hitler and he is indirectly pointing to the fact that Hitler’s goal was simply to remove Jews from Europe, rather than to gas them.

Livingstone was fired last week, but it’s still the top story.

Of course, under normal circumstances it wouldn’t be the YUGE deal that it is now.

The attack on Livingstone by the Jews is part of a larger attack on Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party, which is now filled with Moslems and bleeding hearts opposed to Israel for humanitarian reasons. Corbyn, you’ll recall, replaced the aggressive Zionist Jew Ed Miliband. This was a huge transformation.

Corbyn is a weird person – he’s basically a communist and probably also something of an anti-Semite, even while he claims to be part Jew (he may just be making that claim for strategic reasons, as he hasn’t been specific – though he looks like he could be part Jew). He has said the Jews did 9/11 and associated with Holocaust deniers.  His older brother promotes chemtrails and has frequently appeared on The Alex Jones show.


Jeremy Corbyn

The Jews are trying to railroad Corbyn by getting outraged about various party members who they claim are hateful towards them. Along with firing Livingstone, earlier this week Corbyn was forced to fire some Paki bitch because of tweet she made about Israel years ago.

Livingstone simply said something which is an historical fact – and which no one is denying is a historical fact – and they are just blasting through the media with “Hitler-Jews-Israel-Labour” word association games.

This is a straight-up coup.

Organized, non-stop attacks over virtually nothing at all of substance. This is reaching Donald Trump scale.

The Telegraph has released a “dossier” documenting the party’s alleged anti-Jew agenda.


These are the four points they present:

  •  A London Labour council leader shared a Facebook post comparing the “terrorist state of Israel” to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil). He apologised and deleted it on Saturday;
  •  Mr Corbyn questioned why an anti-Semitic mural in east London should be taken down;
  • The Labour leader also attended events run by self-confessed Holocaust denier Paul Eisen long after his views had become clear, and
  • A Labour council candidate used the derogatory term “Zios” to refer to Jews.

Get this – they’ve even rolled out the filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger to talk about that time we trolled her.

Daily Mail:

A leading Jewish Labour MP has showed the level of anti-semitism online by publishing abusive messages sent to her.

Shadow cabinet member Luciana Berger, 34, says she has been sent thousands of insults.

Some feature the yellow star Nazis used to label Jews, while others caricature her with a big nose or greedily rubbing her hands. Some even call her a pig or threaten to rape or kill her.

Miss Berger joined the attacks on suspended Ken Livingstone, saying on Thursday that his claims Hitler was a Zionist were ‘a disgrace and have no place in our party’.

Again, no attempt to dispute the accuracy of the “claim,” which is in fact simply a statement.

She tweeted a selection of the sick material and stressed anti-semitism remained a danger.

A source close to the Liverpool MP said: ‘They could be from Labour, they could be from further afield. There’s no way of knowing. With tweets you don’t know whether they’re from the left or right, although a lot of the abuse in the past has been from far-right groups in America.’

Eh. Two of the six tweets she posted are from our good friend Azzmador and they’re all from last month, before this latest row.

But the nerve of saying “they could be from Labour” is impressive.

Anyhoo. I don’t really have a dog in this fight.

But I’m trying to think of how we can exploit this…


I know.

Tweet Berger again.

Also, make Livingstone and Corbyn Nazi memes and say “Heil Corbyn, Crusher of Kikes, Remover of Israel!”

If you’re not good with photoshop, use the pic above or grab pics from this articles comments thread (I’m sure there’ll be one or two) or just call her a filthy kike. Or whatever.

Could get us a few lols.


By the way, browsing her twitter just now, it appears that she’s gotten uglier.

