Which part of “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed” confuses you Jews?
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2013

Unsurprisingly, the liberating new technology of 3D printed plastic firearms is under attack by Jews in the US congress, who are demanding this new freedom-increasing technology be stripped from the people.
The filthy, lying Jew Steve Israel, a Republican congressman, is leading the charge to strip the people of their fundamental right to produce and posses instruments of self-defense, labeling these fantastic new items a “security threat” – that is, a threat to the security of the Jews who rule over us and drink our blood by the gallon.

Israel is citing the December 9th expiration of a law that required gun manufacturers using plastic in the production of guns to include metal elements so that the gun would go off in a metal detector. Although, obvious to non-Jews is the fact that bullets are still made of metal.
Unsurprisingly, the monsterous freedom-hating Democrat Jew Chucky Schumer backs Israel’s move to crush us. Shabbos goy Bill “I have a great many friends in the Jewish lobby” Nelson is also on board with this diabolical plot.
RT reports:
A number of lawmakers have called to ban plastic guns, with Republican Congressman, Steve Israel, presenting a bill on the matter demanding that any plastic gun contain a compulsory steel component.
“Back then, in 1988, the notion of a 3D plastic gun was science fiction,” Senator Israel said. “Now, a month away, it is reality.”
Democrat Senators, Bill Nelson and Chuck Schumer, supported Israel’s legislature.
“The expiration of this law, combined with advances in 3D-printing, make what was once a hypothetical threat into a terrifying reality,” declared Schumer. “We are actively exploring all options to pass legislation that will eliminate the problem,” he promised.
“This law made sense in 1988. It was forward-thinking in 1988,” Earl Griffith said. “It’s not theoretical anymore,” he warned.
The baby-murdering ATF is also in on the plan, though they admit no one has ever died from a plastic gun.