Daily Slave
May 5, 2014
An article written by the Heritage Foundation of all places actually does a pretty good job of summarizing the Benghazi cover up orchestrated by the Obama regime. The article refers to the September 11th, 2012 incident in which four Americans including the American Ambassador Chris Stevens were left to die by the Obama regime after the consulate building was attacked by militants. This was despite calls for help from personnel on the ground. Even though the article covers some good points, it leaves out one very significant detail. The two main individuals apparently responsible for covering up information related to this incident are not just brothers but they are Jewish brothers. The Heritage Foundation being an organization that promotes all sorts of Zio causes for Israel like the phony terror war just couldn’t take that extra step in identifying the brothers as Jewish. After all, their business model would likely go in the crapper if they did that.
According to documents released from a FOIA request by Judicial Watch, Ben Rhodes the Jewish deputy national security adviser in the Obama regime e-mailed talking points to then UN ambassador Susan Rice to focus the Benghazi narrative around angry protesters mad at an anti-Muslim Internet video. This explanation has since been proven to be completely and utterly ridiculous. Media pundits have long speculated as to where Rice got her talking points from and it now looks as if they came from the Jew Ben Rhodes.
At the same time, his Jew brother CBS News President David Rhodes did what he could in his power to minimize coverage of the event on the network. CBS was the only nightly newscast not to cover details related to the Benghazi incident when the news broke. Even weirder is the fact that CBS put out a 2013 report on Benghazi that was immediately discredited. One now has to wonder if that report was put out on purpose to confuse and misdirect people’s understanding of what happened. It is difficult to believe all of this is a coincidence considering his brother’s role in the Obama regime.
So once again we see that Jews are at the center of a major cover up. Even though they represent such a small percentage of the American population it is funny that anytime something crazy happens there always seems to be a Jew or multiple Jews involved. How much more obvious can any of this get?
It should also be noted that Judicial Watch which made the original FOIA request to get these e-mails was originally founded by the Jew Larry Klayman. Although, it is hard to say how much Jewish influence is over Judicial Watch today it is extremely bizarre to see how Jews surround almost every angle of this story.