Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2014

The Jews built their empire of filth and degeneracy on the idea that “free speech” encompasses all forms of blasphemy and sexual perversion. But as soon as conservatives try to use this concept of free speech for what it was actually intended by our Founding Fathers to be used for – political protest – suddenly, it needs to be restricted.
Jewish Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is leading the charge to ensure that protesters at abortion clinics have their fundamental rights to free speech restricted by the Federal Government.
From CNN:
A number of justices raised concerns about a Massachusetts state law preventing activists from crossing a 35-foot buffer zone around reproductive health clinics.
During an intense hour of oral arguments, Massachusetts officials said the issue was more about public safety and pedestrian access on local sidewalks. Anti-abortion supporters countered their free speech rights were being violated.
What the high court decides in coming months could affect a broader range of free speech arenas — over issues such as war, taxes, corporate bailouts and elections — where the location of the message is often key.
“There was a considerable history of disturbances and blocking the [clinic] entrance,” said Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Massachusetts case. “So the state is trying to say: We want to make sure that the entrance is not blocked, and the only way we can do that is to have a rule that applies to everyone. We can’t screen people to know who will be well behaved and who will be disruptive.”
But Justice Samuel Alito said the law was not content-neutral, since clinic workers can talk to patients inside the marked boundary, but not the protesters.
“This statute says that there is an exemption for employees of the facility if they are operating within the scope of their employment,” he told the state’s attorney. “And surely coming out and saying this is a safe facility [to enter] is within the scope of their employment. So how do you justify that? Forget about the conduct now, focus on the speech that’s allowed. One can speak and say it’s safe. The other cannot speak and say it is not safe.”
Eleven such women’s health clinics across Massachusetts are covered by the fixed buffer zones.
[…]At the Greater Boston Health Center, a clear yellow semicircle on the sidewalk surrounds the front entrance. One of the regular activists — and lead plaintiff in the appeal — is Eleanor McCullen, is a lifelong Catholic who generally spends mornings two days a week peacefully spreading her anti-abortion message.
With a large cross around her neck, the 77-year-old grandmother often uses a baby stroller as a prop, along with a portable DVD player with images of a fetal ultrasound.
On a recent day, she was seen standing at the edge of the buffer, handing out pamphlets and carrying a baby’s knit cap.
Yet on Wednesday, McCullen was inside the courtroom to witness the pointed debate from the bench.
Her lawyer, Mark Rienzi, told the court: “A law that makes it illegal to even engage in consensual conversation, quiet conversation, on a public sidewalk, an act that makes that a criminal act for which Mrs. McCullen can go to prison, I think, is not permissible under the First Amendment.“
There are, of course, already laws applying to those who would create a disturbance or try to keep people out of abortion clinics. In such situations, the police are called, and those engaging in this behavior are arrested.
All that this Massachusetts law does is make it so that peaceful protesters, trying to save the lives of innocent unborn children, are blocked from the opportunity to engage with potential victims of the Jewish-designed abortion racket.
More White babies are murdered by these Jew abortion clinics in America than are born. It is a literal Holocaust. The fact that we have a society where mothers are encouraged to murder their own babies demonstrates just how Jewed we are.