Jewish Troll Accused of Terrifying Pro-Palestinian Reporter’s Father to Death

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2014

Benoit Le Corre’s father died of a heart attack after being terrorised by the Israeli Jew.

The loudest voice calling for people to be silenced on the internet is that of the rat Jew, yet online criticism pales in comparison to what one terrorist Jew troll is accused of doing.

The BBC tells us that the weasel-faced troll, whose real name is Gregory Chelli, claims he had a right to do what he’s done because he disagreed with the politics of his victim, a pro-Palestinian reporter named Benoit Le Corre.

Chelli is accused of killing Le Corre’s father by terrifying him to death.

First he allegedly telephoned him, pretended to be the police and told him that his son was dead.

Then he also phoned the police, pretended to be Mr Le Corre’s father and told them he had just murdered his wife and son.

Armed Police rushed over to the old man’s home and laid siege to it, while others invaded the house looking for the bodies.

The Jew Gregory Chelli got armed Police to turn up at the old man’s home and terrify him.

Unsurprisingly, three days after the incident, the reporter’s father died of a heart attack.

The whole campaign of terror has been masterminded from Israel and so far the authorities have refused to do anything about it.

The vindictive Jew has even boasted about his cowardly and dishonourable behavior by tweeting about it.

If you are White and you tweet one message calling a Jew a Jew, you get locked-up for it in Britain.

Yet if you are a Jew who lives in Israel, then you can waste police time and use them as a proxy to kill the father of the person you disagree with, safe in the knowledge that you will never be arrested for it, as gentiles do not count as human under Jewish law.

no mercy to nonjews
Maimonides is the equivalent of a saint to the Jews.