Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2015

As the Daily Stormer recently noted, Facebook Jews are aggressive about banning anything against immigrants, but don’t really seem to care much about Nazism or Hoax denial.
Jewmany can’t tolerate this.
Facebook will have to abide by German laws banning racist sentiment even if it might be allowed in the United States under freedom of speech, Justice Minister Heiko Maas said in an interview with Reuters.
Maas, who has accused Facebook of doing too little to thwart racist and hate posts on its social media platform, said that Germany has zero tolerance for such expression and expects the U.S.-based company to be more vigilant.
“One thing is clear: if Facebook wants to do business in Germany, then it must abide by German laws,” Maas told Reuters. “It doesn’t matter that we, because of historical reasons, have a stricter interpretation of freedom of speech than the United States does.“
Because of the six million gassed, Germany can’t have free speech. The logic in that can only be that it is in their genetics to gas people.
I mean, right?
What other reasoning could possibly exist?
“Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred are crimes in Germany and it doesn’t matter if they’re posted on Facebook or uttered out in the public on the market square,” he added.
Maas sent a letter to Facebook public policy director Richard Allan in Dublin saying he received many complaints from users that their protests on racist posts have been ignored. He suggested meeting in Berlin on Sept. 14.
Maas is a leader of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD). The party faced a flood of racist emails, phone calls and bomb threat after its chairman Sigmar Gabriel denounced an anti-refugee “mob” behind anti-refugee violence in the eastern town of Heidenau.
You know, if it wasn’t for the First Amendment in the US Constitution, the global goose of the White race would already be well cooked by these Jews. We are literally the only country in the world that allows free speech, but because of the internet, we are able to spread it throughout the planet to our kinsmen in more Jewed-out nations.
We don’t thank James Madison enough. If it weren’t for this man’s foresight… who knows?