Jewnited Kikedom Attacks Doland Blumpf Again, Insulting Him as Not a Real Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2019

President Grolarg Fimpledimp has ended up going along with pretty much every single globalist agenda on the list, and the Jewnited Kikedom still feels a need to attack him, and pretend as though he is somehow outside of the norm of Western leaders.

The Hill:

United Kingdom Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry slammed President Trump and said he is unworthy of a state visit when he visits the U.K.

Thornberry’s statements came on Friday after he announced his decision to withdraw U.S. support for the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

“Donald Trump’s statement on the Arms Trade Treaty is the final confirmation that he is not the Leader of the Free World, he never has been, and he does not deserve the honour of a State Visit to Britain,” Thornberry said in a tweet on Friday afternoon, referring to the president’s scheduled three-day visit to the country in June.

“He is nothing but a disgrace to his office and a threat to our world order,” she continued.

Trump said he would “never” ratify the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty while speaking at a National Rifle Association (NRA) convention in Indianapolis earlier on Friday.

“Under my administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone,” Trump said at the time. “We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedoms.”

Pulling out of the UN arms treaty was good – I’m not gonna not give him credit for that – but it is a really minor disagreement with the rest of the world in the general scope of things. Like everything that is related to the UN, it’s symbolic. The UN has no ability to enforce anything.

With everything that matters, Fimpledimp is reenforcing the globalist world order:

  • He is Mama Merkel 2, overseeing the biggest migration of nonwhites into America in the country’s history
  • He is continuing to fund NATO
  • He is continuing America-draining trade relations with every country (other than maybe adjusting for China a tiny bit)
  • He is continuing to escalate tensions with Russia in new and imaginative ways
  • He is continuing to support Israel aggressively
  • He is continuing the wars in the Middle East
  • He is threatening random South American countries that run afoul of the globalist world order

It would really, really be hard to ask for anything more than this, if you are an overseer of the globalist Jew system as Emily Thornberry is.

What you have here is a situation where the globalist order has a vested interest in continuing the myth of Bad Orange Man. He is literally a type of Goldstein figure, this looming threat of American Cowboyism that is upending the liberal world order. The man is irrelevant now, his actions are irrelevant, all that matters is the symbol.

The sickening part is the mutually beneficial relationship. Fimpledimp benefits from this as much as the JewKay. In fact, he benefits more than them. His own people see some bloody-holed fat cunt in Britain having a seizure and think “well, he must be doing something, if that bitch is losing her shit over him – this UN treaty must be some serious business.”

He is counting on this dynamic, 100%, to win the 2020 election.

Joe Biden most prominently played directly into this, using his announcement video to accuse Fimpledimp of being a Nazi leader running a White Supremacist revolution – even while white advocates have been censored and thrown in prison on fake charges under Trump like at no other point in American history.

The way a Democrat would win would be to simply say that Fimpledimp hasn’t actually done any single thing he said he was going to do:

  • He didn’t end immigration
  • He didn’t bring back a bunch of factories
  • He didn’t end the wars in the Middle East
  • He didn’t normalize relations with Russia
  • He didn’t deal with the opioid crisis
  • He didn’t make life any easier for the forgotten men and women of this country in any meaningful way, at all

But all of the candidates right now have this vested interest in Fimpledimp’s own fake, marketed image of himself as the outsider fighting the system, because they want to represent the same system that Fimpledimp represents.

Except for Bernie.

People keep saying that Biden can beat Trump. I don’t know if he actually can. It’s possible – I wouldn’t bet on it either way – but Bernie absolutely can beat him, because aside from the race issue (which Bernie is better than any other Democrat on), he represents the same basic interests that Trump represents.