Jewnited Kikedom: Former National Action Members Sentenced for Stickers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2018

The thing about all this here is… the stickers were a play on the stickers put up by the Moslems, declaring Sharia Law zones in various parts of England.

Actually though, that isn’t really funny.

It is absolute par for the course – one rule for us, one rule for the filthy fucking animals flooding our countries, blowing everything up and raping all the women.

The Independent:

A group of men who spread neo-Nazi stickers around a university campus and performed a Hitler salute have been found guilty of attempting to incite racial hatred.

The four extremists were caught on CCTV posting the stickers, with slogans including “Britain is ours – the rest must go”, around Aston University in Birmingham in July 2016.

Prosecutors said they were recruitment tools for the neo-Nazi group National Action, which was banned as a terrorist organisation later that year.

One of the stickers posted around the university in July 2016 showed a white figure giving a Nazi-type salute, and carried the words “White Zone – National Action”.


It’s a play on this.

Sharia Zone stickers are not illegal, and are not considered hatred… despite the fact that there is a shitton more hate in the Koran than there is in Mein Kampf.

The stickers were discovered by security staff two days later and reported to police, who started a hate crime investigation.

Afterwards, the group went to the pub and one member bragged about how their activities – on the day of a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Birmingham – offended “butt-hurt students, sub-humans, and traitors”.

A photo showed members with National Action’s flag, and two of them giving Nazi-type salutes as they posed in front of the university.

A day after they appeared, a post on a Twitter account run by the group’s regional arm read: “The fashy goys [sic] of National Action have hit Aston University campus”.

They put the “[sic]” in there because the plural of “goy” is “goyim.” Why would a journalist know that, I wonder, and why would they feel the need to make it known that they know it?


Anyway, yeah – no word on what the sentence will be, but they’ll be sent to jail, probably for 6-12 months.

NA was banned literally as a “terrorist group” that had never committed terrorism or planned terrorism or been accused of doing either of those things.

And they did was demonstrations and stickerings.

Which, apparently, are considered a form of “terror” in modern Britain.

Whereas Pakis gang-raping little white girls is considered “boys will be boys” or “a cultural misunderstanding.”

What the hell is going on in this country?

I mean, I’ve said it sixty trillion times: but how are people tolerating this?