Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2015

Rotherham and the subsequent child-rape scandals have made me lose almost all hope in the idea we are going to turn our countries around before an open race war breaks out.
This Jewish “child protection chief” Sue Berelowitz who actively advocated for child rape, failing to even mention it while she knew it was happening, being fired and rehired the next day – after receiving a massive severence package, which she is keeping – is par for the course.
And still, no one is out in the street. Because they wouldn’t want to be called racists, now would they? Especially protesting this Jew bitch – they could also be called anti-Semites!
Saving little pre-pubescent girls from being trafficked and raped just isn’t worth the risk of being branded as a race-hater.

This Jew played a major role in covering up the scandal, as we have covered on this site.
Back in 2012 she was hired to write up a report and she basically said nothing was happening and it had nothing to do with Pakis.

From the Daily Mail, November 2012:
The author of report into gang sex abuse today hit back at government criticism of her findings that there was no particular problem among Asian groups.
The study by deputy children’s commissioner Sue Berelowitz came to the controversial conclusion, despite figures in her own report revealing that more than a quarter of perpetrators of gang-based child abuse known to the authorities are Asian.
Senior Whitehall figures have branded the report ‘hysterical’ and ‘highly emotional’.
Last night a Government source said it was ‘difficult to overstate the contempt’ with which ministers viewed the report’s conclusions.
And the NSPCC said the report exposed the danger of ‘turning a blind eye’ to the ethnicity of abusers.
Her report was instrumental in burying the problem for years. People want to blame this Paki rape ordeal on political correctness, and that is a part of it, but the biggest part is Jews in the government and media who wanted this to continue and actively made certain it did. It wasn’t some massive accident.
And yet, she is not only not going to jail, she is profiting massively from purposefully allowing White children to be trafficked and raped by Pakis.

Let’s see what Sargon of Akkad says about this, huh? Call the faggot up and ask him if a White woman would have done the exact same thing as this kike. Then tell him to explain the evidence for the six million he continually alleges in his videos were gassed by Adolf Hitler.
Or don’t.
I don’t even care anymore.
Deputy children’s commissioner Sue Berelowitz, who was criticised for failing to speak out about sexual abuse by British Pakistani gangs, took voluntary redundancy from her £99,333-a-year post on April 30.
She received a pay-off worth £134,000. But the next day she was rehired as a consultant, leading an inquiry into family child abuse that she had been in charge of in her former role.
The 61-year-old will be paid £960 a day under the new deal and will work for up to nine days a month. It means she will earn almost the same amount as she had been as a full-time employee – for much less work.
Last night, as MPs and victims’ groups described the deal as scandalous, the Treasury launched an inquiry into how it was agreed.
Her report – branded ‘hysterical’ and ‘highly emotional’ – said simply that abuse is carried out by men of all backgrounds.
South African-born Miss Berelowitz started out as a speech and language therapist before gaining a masters degree in social work from Sussex University. The mother of two sons, who lives in a £950,000 house in Brighton with her husband, spent nearly five years as deputy director of children services at West Sussex County Council.
But some of its services were later labelled inadequate by Ofsted. And she caused controversy last year by warning against opening up secretive family courts to public scrutiny, claiming children might commit suicide if their names and troubled lives wereknown to the public.
Neither Miss Berelowitz nor the Office of the Children’s Commissioner were last night available for comment.
Well, that’s a wrap, folks.
Put a fork in merry old England. She’s done.
When the race war finally comes, it will clean the streets of the White filth along with the brown.