Jews Abandoning Brexit Britannia for the Land of Hitler

Diversity Macht Frei
November 25, 2016


In the century-spanning history of any nation, it will inevitably face existential threats and mortal challenges. And when those testing times come, it is, in part, the cohesiveness of a people that will allow it to prevail. That cohesiveness comes, in large part, from shared descent, from genetic and cultural similarity. When truly tested, “values” will not be enough to hold a people together; a bit of paper from a government designating an administrative status called citizenship will not be enough to hold a people together; nor will perceptions of economic self-interest; only the bonds of ethnic brotherhood will.

One of the reasons they have so systematically provoked antagonism in the peoples they have lived among is that, when these national challenges do come, the Jews are inevitably weighed in the balance and found wanting. Lacking the bond of ethnic brotherhood with the goy peoples whose countries they  co-habit, they are simply much less willing to sacrifice for the cause. Deep down, they recognise that the only nation they really belong to is Israel. All other loyalties are transient, superficial and contingent.

Through the ages, even when faced with wars of national survival, governments have repeatedly struggled to get Jews to perform military service. The British government struggled to recruit Jews in WW1. Why? Because Britain was allied with Russia, which Jews were hostile to. Ironically, the exception usually quoted to this familiar pattern is WW1 Germany. It is claimed that Jews fought and died for the Reich in numbers proportionate to their share of the population. I haven’t seen any data refuting this, although scepticism is always appropriate when dealing with historical claims made by Jews. Assuming it is true, however, the explanation would clearly in any case be that Germany was at war with Russia, which Jews saw as their enemy. Their war service, then, would simply have been a standard expression of tribal loyalty, not loyalty to Germany.

Following Brexit, Jewish loyalty has again been weighed in the balance, and found wanting.

Can it be true? Seventy years after the scourge of Nazism which destroyed the face of Jewish Europe and changed the face of the world, we learn that the descendants of tens of thousands of German Jews who fled the most horrific era in modern history, are now seeking German citizenship.

One of the most recent applicants is Rabbi Julia Neuberger, most of whose family on her maternal side and some on her father’s side, died in the Holocaust. The reason for her decision? Brexit. The anxiety about what the June referendum actually means has led to a 20-fold increase in the number of so called “restored citizenship” applications reported by the German authorities. Under German law, anyone who was persecuted on political, racial or religious grounds under the Nazis can apply for citizenship and it even extends to their descendants, although this latter clause does not apply in Austria…

Why then did she want a German passport? Uncomfortable during the making of a film about Wagner for the BBC, the stolpersteine commemorative plaques, laid by a non Jewish sculptor beside the doorsteps of Holocaust victims, began to soften her attitude.Then a biography of her mother from 1933-1947 by Joachim Schlőr of Southampton University, plus her admiration for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-arms policy to Syrian and other refugees, helped her decide to “reclaim one part of my history – my German origins,” she told the Guardian newspaper: “I am a European as well as a proud Briton. I have many intersecting identities – I think it perfectly possible to be a proud Briton – and a grateful one – and to hold a German passport, too.”

Michael Newman, chair of the Association of Jewish Refugees has fielded hundreds of enquiries, adding that the process was “a considerable psychological challenge” for many. Newman admitted the irony of the AJR having been founded partly to aid the naturalisation process for Jewish refugees after the war, adding: “Seventy years on, we find ourselves in the position of assisting people who want to acquire German and Austrian citizenship because of the recent developments in Britain.” Newman himself has registered his own application.


But the Jews don’t feel any deeper connection to Germany than they did to Britain. On the contrary, they recail at any authentic expression of Germanness. It’s all about the “economic consequences of Brexit” you see.

My own mother lost her family, in former Czechoslovakia, to Hitler’s death camps, and refused to set foot in Germany ever again, I feel a strangely emotional vertigo. It’s like sitting in a car whose wheels are going backwards. What is this saying?Does it say that the economic effects of Brexit, about which we remain totally in the dark, are powerful enough to overturn the emotional pain of two generations some of whom still squirm at the mention of a German car, or resent German financial predominance in the EU, who still refuse to play Wagner’s music or eat a slice of Shwarzewaldekirchetorte?

But the Germans do get credit for consenting to their own ethnic destruction. After all, at the rate Angela Merkel is going, you won’t have to worry about a new Wagner or Hitler for much longer.

Dame Julia’s decision, she says, “has nothing at all to do with antisemitism but is to do with my origins, my admiration for how today’s Germany has dealt with its past, and my sense of being European as well as British. And so, assuming I am granted a German passport, I shall use it proudly.”

Germany has, indeed, tried to make amends by being first to open its borders to refugees fleeing the turmoil in the Middle East; the metaphor for past guilt is not lost on anyone. Does this say we forgive them? Hardly possible, and in any case the reasons appear to have more to do with hard-headed economics than emotion. But there may be another issue here. Whatever the resurgence of right-wing sentiment may mean in today’s world, perhaps a turning back to the land of Einstein, Goethe, Schubert, Beethoven and yes, even Wagner, might represent, even tactically, a need for a Jewish resurgence in a Europe which should never have destroyed it.
