Jews Admit Their Support of Mass Non-White Immigration is a Self-Protection Mechanism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2016


The Jews are behind immigration.

But why, you ask? How does it benefit them?

Especially with Moslem “refugees” who ostensibly want to murder them all?

The Jews, you see, are themselves an alien force. If they are the sole alien force, it is very easy for the people of their host nation to identify them as an alien force. If, however, there are multiple different alien groups within a society, chaos is created, and people are no longer capable of identifying the Jew as an alien, or even opposing the concept of aliens feeding on the society.

As such, the support of mass immigration by Jews is a self-protection mechanism, designed to mask their presence in our societies.

Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), writes for JNS:

The Torah reiterates, no less than 36 times, versions of the commandment to love the stranger as ourselves, for we know the heart of a stranger, as we were once strangers in the land of Egypt. The Exodus narrative is not just about the suffering and flight of the Jews, but it delivers a universal message about Jewish commitment to human rights and refugee protection.

HIAS was established 135 years ago to protect refugees — Jewish ones — who were fleeing the pogroms of Czarist Russia. HIAS, which always refers to itself as the “global Jewish non-profit that protects refugees,” is not searching for a new mission. We remain true to the original one of refugee protection. What HIAS has done is moved from its “Exodus” period of our first 120 years, in which HIAS focused on bringing Jews from oppression to freedom, to our “Leviticus” period, in which we fulfill Jewish values and assist refugees of all faiths and ethnicities based on our own Exodus experiences.

The changes to HIAS’s work are not just theologically motivated. They are based on the lessons of history, especially from the Holocaust period when HIAS, the Jewish community, and the world failed to protect the 6 million Jews who perished. The evolution of HIAS is about fulfilling our community’s promise that never again will we permit anything like the Holocaust to happen. What is the most effective strategy for doing this? By acting only when Jewish refugees are in danger, or by constantly advocating for the universal protection of all refugees? HIAS has chosen the latter path.

One reason we failed during the Shoah was that, at that time, the world had no internationally recognized right to flee and seek refuge. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Refugee Convention of 1951 and its 1967 Protocol — heavily advocated by the Jewish community, Israel and HIAS — now provide us with the principles to help ensure that never again will refugees be pushed back into the hands of their persecutors.

We cannot protect ourselves by being only for ourselves. We can only protect ourselves by protecting and implementing universal principles of human rights.

And there you have it: their purpose in supporting mass immigration is to protect themselves from being identified by the native population as a subversive and dangerous alien force.