“Jews Against Trump” to Stage Mass Protest on April 14th

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2016


Just cuck me all up.

So, Breitbart has an article up about an upcoming anti-Trump rally:

Organizers planning an anti-Donald Trump protest in New York City next week expect thousands of people to show up when the GOP presidential frontrunner speaks at the New York State GOP Gala on Trump’s home turf of Manhattan, Breitbart News has learned.

The protesters have set up a Facebook Event page “Protest Donald Trump at the NY State Republican Gala.” According to the page, organizers anticipate thousands will attend the protest of Donald Trump’s appearance at the Republican Gala at the Grand Hyatt in New York City on April 14th. Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Ted Cruz are also attending.

”This year has become one of the most exciting and vital presidential elections in many years,” New York GOP chairman Ed Cox said in a statement about the Gala. “New York Republicans are more motivated than ever to take back the White House, and for the first time in a long time, will play a decisive role by their votes in the April 19 presidential primary.“

But the protests outside—which may get even more rowdy than Chicago’s protests against Trump that caused the billionaire to call off an event before the Illinois primary in the interest of public safety—will be focused squarely on the Manhattan-based real estate magnate.

About a week before the protest, the page has nearly 5,000 people who have either said they’re interested in or attending the event. The event page uses all of the left’s favorite labels for people who aren’t politically correct: “Mr. Trump – you do not speak for us; you do not represent us and we will not let your bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, racism and hatred go unanswered anymore.”

They fail to mention who’s putting it on, however.

You’ll never guess.


Surprise, goyim, surprise!

Yeah, that’s the Facebook page, linked through Breitbart, yet Breitbart didn’t bother to mention those behind it.


The Jew page states:

Since June, we have listened to Donald Trump attack women, Mexicans, Muslims, the disabled, and anyone who didn’t support Making America Hate Again. We have listened to Mr. Trump encourage his supporters to ‘knock the hell’ out of protestors offering to pay their legal fees and suggest that he’d like to ‘punch (a protestor) in the face.’ We have listened to him disparage his fellow republican candidates, denigrate the democratic candidates, belittle the press and deprecate all who disagree with him. On this day we will come together, and say no to his thirst for hatred, and violence.

Blah blah blah.

These Jews never stop with this crap.

It’s tiring.