Jews are Rats Graffiti at Busy DC Crosswalk

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2016

But is it really vandalism… if it’s the truth?

Er. Wait.

Maybe I’m thinking of something else.


For the second time in two days, anti-Semitic graffiti appeared on one of the city’s busiest crosswalks.

The intersection at 7th and H Streets NW features a public art installation inspired by the Chinese zodiac.

As pictured, the graffiti this morning said “JEW” inside the rats, one of the 12 lunar zodiac symbols painted in the gaps between the crosswalk stripes. Jewish people have been depicted as rats in propaganda films like The Eternal Jew.

Maintenance employees with the DowntownDC Business Improvement District and the District Department of Transportation are working to remove the graffiti, says Rachel Rose Hartman, a spokesperson for DowntownDC.

“The crosswalks were defaced in the area. We have worked with our government partners including DDOT to remove the content,” says D.C. Police spokesperson Aquita Brown. Detectives are now investigating the incident.

Anti-Semitic graffiti appeared yesterday afternoon and was removed, before new graffiti appeared this morning. DowntownDC BID will monitor the site, according to the mayor’s office.

Alright, fess-up.

Which oneya yalls done did this hatred?

Shakes my damn head, it’s 2016 fer cryen out loud!

In case you didn’t know, no one on the Alt-Right actually hates the Jews. It’s all just a big joke to piss people off for no reason. I actually didn’t know that myself, even while I’d been running this site for years, until the Jew Milo explained it to me.