Jews at Warner Bros. Plan to Make a Movie About St. Mike Brown and the Peaceful Protest at Ferguson

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2017

The shooting death of Negro criminal Mike Brown is the best thing that ever happened to his parents. So far they’ve made a ton of cash off “their” book, an incoming settlement for a possible $3 million, and now the sale of the rights to their lies to the Jews at Warner Brothers (such as Chief Content Officer Toby Emmerich) who are itching to make an anti-white movie.

Black criminals die at the hands of the police all the time, largely because they’re mindlessly violent. Looking at the violent crime rate of Brazil, Sub-Saharan Africa or Haiti and you need some top-tier Judi mind tricks to convince anyone that the problem is white racism.

Recently, terrorist-journalists have been a bit more restrained in reporting lies as facts in order to get blacks into the street to riot.

The Philando Castile incident is the closest they’ve come lately (judging from the facts in the case they might even have something to work with) but they let this one drop because:

  1. the police officer accused is non-white, and
  2. they fear black race riots only galvanize white Trump supporters.

It goes without saying that a Michael Brown movie based on his parents’ bogus memoir would just make white people angrier. But that doesn’t mean Jews aren’t going to be ready to go back on the offensive once Whitelash 2017 blows over.

Fox 2 St Louis:

A movie may be in the works about the Michael Brown shooting. reports that Warner Brothers has picked up the film rights to the book by Brown’s mother, Lezley Mcspadden. The book is called “tell the truth and shame the devil.”

Simon and Schuster
published Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil: The Life, Legacy, and Love of My Son Michael Brown last year. Several studios showed interest in making the movie. Warner brothers was competing with several other studios for the rights.

Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014. That fatal shooting, and the grand jury case, sparked protests across the country.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the family of Michael Brown, the city of Ferguson, former Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson and former police Officer Darren Wilson are nearing settlement of a lawsuit over Brown’s 2014 fatal shooting by Wilson.

The settlement has not yet been finalized or approved by a judge. It may be for less than $3 million. That is the limit of the city’s insurance.

How much do you want to bet there’s a brand new Escalade in Lezley Mcspadden’s drive way?

According to reviews of Mcspadden’s book, she was very proud of her son graduating from a Special Ed high school, yet didn’t attend his graduation ceremony. She was also very concerned about giving him a strong male role model, but the record shows all her baby-daddies were drug-dealing felons and gang members.

Mcspadden did not even raise Brown – he was brought up by other family members for most of his life.

She denies that the man in the surveillance video attacking the store clerk is her son, even though all evidence points to the contrary. Her response? He dindu NUFFIN’!

As for the riots she herself incited? Hardly any mention of them.

So what kind of kike fiction can possibly come out of this book getting the Hollywood treatment?

Name the Jew, Colin Flaherty.

Without Jews, these blacks have no platform or financial incentive to engage in socially destabilizing monkey business.