Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2015

Lindsey Graham, a probable homosexualist and devout servant of evil Jewish snakes, is under attack by his own ratlike masters for having made a joke supporting their total dominance of American politics.
This process is commonly known as “man bites dog.”
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he giggled (like a faggot in a kindergarten, I’m quite sure) about the amount of influence Jews would have over his administration, given the amount of money he’s been given by the Jews.
On the biggest challenge facing his potential 2016 campaign:
“The means. If I put together a finance team that will make me financially competitive enough to stay in this thing … I may have the first all-Jewish cabinet in America because of the pro-Israel funding. [Chuckles.] Bottom line is, I’ve got a lot of support from the pro-Israel funding.”
Responding to the outrage, Ron Kampeas in The Jewish Telegraph – in a piece entitled “Dear Lindsey Graham: Some jokes only Jews can make” – quoted Jew blog LobeLog, an article by Eli Clifton and Jim Lobe.
Suggesting that “pro-Israel funding” may determine his choice of cabinet secretaries (as well as his policies) may make even his potential benefactors squirm just a little bit in light of the purposes to which real anti-Semites who believe “Jewish money” controls the U.S. government might put such a statement.
Kampeas agrees with this sentiment, and adds to it.
Graham is not an anti-Semite. As Lobe and Clifton note, Graham’s responses were partly fueled by Riesling. I’d add that he cultivates a good ol’ boy’s reputation for the shocking bon mot. In the same interview, he dismissed Rand Paul’s outreach to “kids who smoke dope in their parents’ basement.”
As a candidate who spends a lot of time in Jewish company, Graham has probably been exposed to much self-deprecating humor of the “Wait, that’s the Elders of Zion on the phone” variety. Might make sense for Graham to leave such self-deprecation to the deprecated.
Haha! The Jews who openly control the government have hurt feelings because people make jokes about them controlling the government – and it is pure hatred to make a joke about the ethnicity of those who control the government through a system of bribes given that those who do so were once gassed by the six millions!
This is the message now: “Yes, goyim, we do control your government. But don’t ever point that out, even if you support it, because it could hurt our feelings, and things which hurt our feelings inevitably lead to mass gassings of us, after which we are turned into lampshades and soap.”