Jews Attacked in New York

Daily Stormer
August 27, 2014

Muh Holocaust

Still think that immigration program was a good idea, Jews?

New York Post:

A gang of anti-Semitic thugs roughed up a Jewish man and his wife on the Upper East Side on Monday evening before fleeing in cars flying Palestinian flags, police sources told The Post.

Two cars and multiple motorcycles pulled up to the couple on East 63rd Street near Third Avenue just after 8 p.m., and the assailants began yelling “anti-Jewish statements,” the sources said.

One of the goons threw a water bottle that hit the wife, and the 27-year-old husband was punched in the side of his head when he came to her defense, according to law enforcement sources.

Police sources said the creeps then raced back to their waiting vehicles, some of which bore Palestinian flags, and took off.

The victims, who live in the area but were not identified by authorities, were not seriously injured and refused medical attention at the scene.