Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2014

The likely Jewish prosecutor who has been “investigating” the Heroic Golden Dawn party in Greece for the last year, Isidoros Doyiakos, recommended on Thursday that the party leaders, as well as 17 other legally elected party lawmakers and dozens of party officials and supporters be put on trial for a wide array of nonsensical and fabricated charges, including “running a criminal organization” and murder.
Releasing a 700-page report, which is not currently available to the public but which has been viewed by the Associated Press, Doyiakos mixes the truth with outrageous and cartonish claims about the party. He notes the fact that it is a “staunchly hierarchical organization” – a description which could fit any political party, government, corporation or hospital (etc.), then claims that they have a secret plan “to propagate and impose its political beliefs and theories through violence.”
Doyiakos claims that the party, which was formed in the 1980s and saw a massive increase in support in the 2012 elections, following a Jew-devised economic collapse coupled with a massive invasion of subhuman immigrants, says with absolute accuracy that the party’s ideology is of “no criminal interest.” Though surely that is not the opinion of the Jews or their media, it is the obvious fact of the matter in basic legal terms, thus we have the weird and baseless claims or obscure criminality designed to support the prosecution of an ideology.

Thus the retarded claims that a party – which was able to secure 17% of the vote in this years Athens Mayoral election, and continue to grow in popularity at a rapid pace – was planning and ordering attacks on lice-ridden immigrant filth and undermench left-wingers on the streets for no reason.
I have spent significant portions of time with the Golden Dawn in Greece – both with active supporters and party officials – and can say without question that these allegations of organized violence are utter nonsense. Though it surely does not require personal experience with the party to see the idiocy of a political party engaging in “organized gang attacks” which serve absolutely no clear purpose while they are already the third biggest party in the country and verging on taking control of the government through absolutely legal means.

In order to engage in such actions, they would have to be complete idiots, but that theory is disproved by the fact they have made such great achievements in the first place.
On the other hand, it is perfectly logical that a ruling power that did not wish to be ousted through legal means would fabricate a criminal case against their legally-acting opposition. Occam’s Razor explains what is happening here.

The report is allegedly based on testimony from anonymous persons and material found on hard drives seized from party offficials. Can you think of any two forms of “evidence” which would be easier to falsify than than the heresay of “protected witnesses” and the alleged contents of illegally seized computers?
The heroic future-dictator of Greece, Ilias Kasidiaris, interviewed in his jail cell, has rightly called the report “laughable.”
It is almost impossible that they will be able to get this case through the courts. Hence the one-year investigation, which was really just buying time for the passage of the filthy Jew “hate speech” laws which they are planning to use to rearrest the party members after all of these dumb and fabricated charges get dropped next year.

But after these clearly fabricated charges are dropped, it is going to increase support widely, and it’s going to be much more difficult to re-arrest them. Especially when they are going to be able to legally sue all of these people who persecuted them with dumb lies on purpose.
Hail Greece.
Hail Golden Dawn.
Hail Victory.