Jews Behind Obama’s Pathological Agenda to Import Gangs of Terrorists and Rapists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2016


The new face of small town America. It’s a beautiful bearded face. And it loves rape.

Many people believe that even though when you import Moslems into Europe they go on rape rampages, if you import the same people into America something different will happen.

This is proving to be false.

Earlier this week, WND published a report on the Moslem refugee situation in America, which is having the exact same effect as in Europe, simply on a smaller scale.

They also listed the Jews behind it, though of course didn’t bother to tell their readers that mass immigration is a subversive Jewish agenda at work.

More than 120 people braved the snow and ice Monday to rally in front of the Missoula County Courthouse, protesting an effort by the Obama administration and its army of community organizers to plant foreign “refugees” into small cities in western Montana.

One of the speakers was a woman who moved recently to Montana from Amarillo, Texas, which has been inundated with thousands of refugees over the past 15 years.

“Amarillo is overrun with refugees,” said Karen Sherman, who stood and spoke to the crowd amid blowing wind and falling snowflakes. Sherman just moved to Missoula, a college town that serves as home to the University of Montana.

It’s a far cry from Amarillo, which she described as a city of rampant crime and cracking social fabric, thanks to the heavy influx of refugees sent there by the U.S. State Department in cooperation with the United Nations.

“Our city is failing because of the refugees. We have 22 different languages spoken in our schools. We’ve got 42 languages being fielded by our 9-1-1 call centers, and crime is just through the roof. We need to exercise caution, especially for the sake of our children,” she said.

This is what’s known as “cultural enrichment.”

It means suffering, rape and death. What’s more, it means ripping apart the fabric of your society. But you have to do it, we are told, because it’s sad that people in other countries are poor.

Sherman said Amarillo, a city of just more than 200,000 people, has gang violence that has surpassed that of much larger Texas cities such as Fort Worth.

Amarillo was recently named the fifth most dangerous city in Texas, according to FBI crime statistics, up from sixth last year. And it has been nationally recognized as having one of the highest rates of rape in the nation.

That’s a dubious distinction that Sherman believes is tied to the high number of Muslim refugees shipped there by the U.S. government.

Per capita, Moslems rape more than Negroes. Presumably, this is due to the fact that the Negroes can have sex with their own women, whereas Moslems do not have sex with their own women.

The rape epidemic in this world is becoming pandemic. It’s not confined to one location. Fifteen years ago in Norway, rape was unheard of. Now it’s an epidemic,” Sherman said. “The perpetrators are 100 percent Muslim males. In Sweden, rape has gone up by 500 percent. Stockholm recently had the dubious honor of opening their very first rape center for men and boys.

In the northern U.K. city of Rotherham, more than 1,400 children have been beaten, raped and trafficked in a well-documented turn of events that has gone largely unreported in the U.S.

“It was covered up by the local government for fear of being viewed as racist. This only came to light because a journalist decided we needed to know about that, not the government,” she said, referring to the rape scandal that unraveled in England in 2014, when it was revealed by media that gangs of mostly Pakistani men had been sexually assaulting English girls for years while police covered it up for fear of being perceived as “anti-Muslim.”


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has called for a stop to the influx of refugees, but it’s too late, she said. The program continues unabated because, if even one refugee is present in the U.S., he is entitled under current law to bring in his entire extended family.

“It’s called family reunification,” Sherman said.

And they can do this in chains – Numbers USA calls it “Chain Migration” – one person brings all their cousins then all those cousins bring their cousins. It is a totally insane system. Arabs and Pakis are fully inbred to begin with, so whole countries are second cousins.

Amarillo has received 5,251 foreign refugees since January 2002, according to the federal refugee database. That’s more than half of the nearly 8,000 refugees sent to Texas during that period.

President Obama has increased the number of foreign refugees bound for American soil in fiscal 2016 to 85,000. That’s a 20 percent increase over the previous year, and 10,000 will come from the jihadist hotbed of Syria.

Every time I read that I start laughing.

How insane, shipping in “refugees” from ISIS territory? How could any single individual be like “yeah, good idea – let’s do that. Because it’s sad that they’re poor.”


It obviously isn’t humanitarianism, because we know for a fact that when these people get here they will commit atrocities, mostly against women.

We also know that we can help 12 times as many people, with the same amount of money, if we send it to the region, rather than bring them to our country.

So what is the thinking? It can only be mental illness.

Of course, Jews are behind the program.

WND reported last week that two groups are working to resettle Syrian refugees in Montana. One group, WorldMontana, is working in Helena and the other, Soft Landing Missoula, is working in Missoula.

Soft Landing Missoula is working with city and county officials to bring Third World refugees to Montana while the state’s Act For America chapter and other activists are trying to stop that from happening. Soft Landing, like most of the non-governmental organizations working with the government to plant refugees into U.S. cities, is working with churches and faith-based groups behind the scenes to create an atmosphere that is more “welcoming” of refugees.

Many of the community organizers have received training or consultation from David Lubell’s Welcoming America organization, which was started with seed money from billionaire George Soros. Lubell is a close adviser to President Obama’s “New Americans” initiative, which seeks to convert millions of refugees and recent immigrants into U.S. citizens with full voting privileges.

America’s moral compasses:


(((David Lubell)))


(((George Soros)))

With Jews like these, who needs enemies?

The modus operandi used by resettlement agencies usually involves sending a handful of refugees at first and then gradually increasing the influx to hundreds per year.

Other small towns in the West have similarly struggled to oppose the plans of urban elites to import what they see as the problems of the Third World into their communities.

In Sandpoint, Idaho, City Council members voted last Wednesday to withdraw a resolution supporting refugee resettlement, bringing an end to a heated, month-long debate over whether that was a wise move. It had the full backing of Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad.

Cheers erupted from the audience when the newly elected Sandpoint mayor capitulated, asking the council to withdraw his resolution from consideration. His resolution was meant to counter statements from county commissioners and the local sheriff opposing the refugees. Rognstad said his resolution was intended to restate Sandpoint’s commitments to “human rights.”

“This resolution has only served to divide us and this community,” said Rognstad, as he requested the withdrawal. “That saddens me.”

But others see the situation in reverse. They see nonprofits and NGOs, often flush with government grant money, coming in and stirring up controversy within their once-peaceful communities.

In Twin Falls, Idaho, Chobani opened the world’s largest yogurt factory and gave 30 percent of the 600 jobs to foreign refugees, and the federal government has plans to send 300 more refugees, this time from Syria, to the Twin Falls area. That touched off a backlash from a group called 3 Percent of Idaho, which organized a protest at the Idaho Statehouse in late November that attracted more than 1,000 people from both sides of the issue.

If the past record is any indication, the groups seeking to bring Third World refugees to small town America will not be easily chased off by people with signs.

In fact, the pro-refugee Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, put together a field manual in 2013 on how to deal with “pockets of resistance” in the American heartland. One of the strategies in that manual is to research the backgrounds of resistors and identify them as “anti-Muslim” racists.

The Jews released a manual instructing people to silence resistance by calling people racists?

No one could have predicted that.

A WND report from May 2015 exposed the HIAS strategy to deride and intimidate any politician or activist who opposes the refuge industry’s agenda to change the demographics of a town.

The HIAS report, titled “Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities,” calls for “new tools to fight back against a determined legislator or governor who has decided to challenge resettlement for political or other reasons.”

They are forceful, these Jews.

Makes you wonder how WND and other publications can report on an entirely Jewish agenda, list off the Jews doing it, and not ask the question: what is going on with these Jews?

Why are they trying to destroy America?

jew earth burning