Jews Bomb Syria in Retaliation for Death of Israeli Student

June 24, 2014

The Jews dropped bombs on 9 separate targets in Syria as retaliation for the death of one Jewish student yesterday.

Israel has launched an attack on military targets in Syria, in what it claims was a retaliation for the death of an Israeli teenager near the border on Sunday.

A spokesperson for the Israeli military said that nine assets belonging to President Bashar al-Assad had been bombed, including a regional command centre and “launching positions” for Syria’s own missiles and artillery.

In some of the worst violence to flare up on the Israel-Syria border since the start of the 2011 conflict in the latter, Israel said “direct hits were confirmed”. There were no immediate reports of a counterstrike from Syria.

All of today’s targets were located not far from the site in the occupied Golan Heights were Syrian forces yesterday struck an Israeli civilian vehicle.

The Golan Heights was part of Syria, until the Jews marched in and tried to steal it.

A 15-year-old boy, now identified by his family as a bright and well-loved student named Mohammed Qaraqara, was killed in the blast and two others were wounded. Their vehicle was targeted while it was delivering water as part of contract work for the Israeli defence ministry.

There have been a number of cross-border strikes since the Syrian conflict erupted, but Israeli military spokesperson Lt Col Peter Lerner said this one was “clearly intentional”.

“Yesterday’s attack was an unprovoked act of aggression against Israel, and a direct continuation to recent attacks that occurred in the area,” he said, adding that the military 2will not tolerate any attempt to breach Israel’s sovereignty and will act in order to safeguard the civilians of the state of Israel”.

The sudden burst of violence has added to the tense situation in Israel, where forces have spent the past week and half in a broad ground operation in the West Bank in search of three teenage boys believed to have been abducted by Hamas militants.

Syria has a Nationalist state that encourages Nationalism in all walks of life, not just in the army. They also have resistance to Zionism written into their constitution.

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