Jews Bomb Syrian Tanks!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2017

Meanwhile, Netanyahu was at the Jewspital visiting an heroic Jewish boy who survived a 4-year-old Palestinian boy throwing a rock at him. The terrorist attacker was killed by the IDF and his organs harvested to be used in the production of beauty products for female Jews.

Jews in the news again!

Helping ISIS!



The Israeli Defense Force has attacked two Syrian army tanks after a dozen spillover projectiles landed in the Israel-controlled part of the Golan Heights from Syrian territory.

The Israeli military said several projectiles fired from Syria “hit an open area” in the northern Golan Heights. No injuries were reported.

Calling the incident an “unacceptable violation of Israeli sovereignty,” IDF aircraft targeted the “origin of launches and two Syrian tanks”.

The Israeli army instructed farmers and civilians near the Quneitra border crossing into Syria to avoid open fields, the Jerusalem Post reports.

An IDF spokesperson told the news outlet that Israel’s retaliation came less than an hour after the spillover fire.

The IDF reportedly stressed that it views Damascus as “ultimately responsible for what is happening in its territory.”

Golan Heights is a part of Syria, occupied by Israeli Jewish terrorists.

The occupation of the Golan is considered totally illegal by everyone in the world. Not even many American Republicans defend it. Foam Boy Rubio said he’d give it to Israel when he was running for President, and Gavin McInnes said it belonged to Israel when he went there, but unlike the West Bank occupation, you rarely hear people defending it.

Just so you understand: Israel as a state is the equivalent of the United States first clearing out all nonwhites, then progressively invading Mexico and ethnically cleansing it for the white race. There is no modern parallel to the way Israel behaves except for like, the Hutus and the Tutsis. No one really gave a shit about that though because the Hutus weren’t also in control of global media and finance.

So this bombing situation is like if you break into someone’s house and live in the master bedroom, threaten to kill everyone that lives there if they come into the room, then one of them of accidentally rolls a bouncy-ball through the doorway of the room you’re occupying and you respond with a hand-grenade.

Also, they probably just made up the spillover. And I guarantee the details of this, if you read Arabic or if one of the Russia outlets translates it, is that somehow this bombing was designed to help ISIS or one of the affiliated terrorist groups. I mean it’s already self explanatory with the Jewsplanation – they are claiming the Syrian tanks were shooting at someone, and it spilled over into “their” territory – so they bombed the tanks, thereby helping the terrorists the tanks were firing at.

It’s not a major attack, obviously, but any attack by the Jews causes chaos and puts everyone on edge. It’s psychological warfare.

They do it every month or so for stated reasons that are getting increasingly closer to “because I felt like it” or “because ur a fag.”