Jews’ Brown Pets OUTRAGED Over DACA Capitulation

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2018

All this politicking is hard to follow. But from what I can tell, the democrats were holding the government hostage, threatening to shut it down if DACA didn’t go their way.

But the government shut down happened, they got a lot of backlash for causing it to happen, and they gave up on the hostage attempt.

Turns out this was a Catch-22.


Illegal alien activists say they are “outraged” after Senate Democrats did not leave the federal government shut down in order to force a deal whereby millions of illegal aliens are given amnesty at the expense of American citizens.

In a protest outside of the U.S Capitol, open borders advocates and illegal alien activists slammed Democrats after they originally shut down the federal government to push amnesty for illegal aliens, but then caved to President Trump and voted to reopen the government without an amnesty attached to the funding bill.

Illegal aliens shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program with the open borders group “United We Dream,” which is funded by globalist billionaire George Soros, said they were entitled to an immediate amnesty before the federal government was reopened

This is a sign of good things to come.

The Democrats’ coalition has a lot of fracture points. Feminists clashing with brown people, brown people of one shade clashing with brown people of another shade, Islam and White people leaving the party in droves. Loads of fracture points that if pressed on could tear the coalition apart at the seams.

Typical Democrat voter circa 2020

That’s what this DACA thing might end up doing.

Seems that Trump forced the Democrats to blink with his brinkmanship and now loads of illegal beaners – who can vote and apply pressure on congress apparently because remember we live in Clown World – are now mad at them for “cucking”.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the left go into purity spiraling mode?

That’s what cost them the election after all. Their more active vanguard of LGBTQWERTY and Antifa activists pissed so many people off that Trump’s no-bullshit message resonated in the hearts of millions of people that just wanted to give a big middle finger to these extreme lefties.

And now their more crazy beaner coalition wants them to make DACA their hill to die on.

The only problem with that strategy is that the vast majority of White Americans don’t want DACA. And if the Democrats really kept the government shut down over this issue, it would crystalize in the public’s mind that the Democrat party is the Brown Party.

I wouldn’t even mind that scenario coming to pass.

But it seems that the Dems chose the more prudent approach this time around. Even if it risks them the ire of the butthurt beaner.