Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2015

If it were not for the Jews, we would still be living in the Middle Ages. Except we would have all of this technology and totally advanced systems. But what good would it be if we didn’t have mass immigration, Black and women’s rights and gay marriage?
How often do you get the opportunity to pack “109 years,” #LoveWins and the colors of the rainbow into 140 characters?
That’s how the American Jewish Committee celebrated the Supreme Court ruling Friday extending marriage rights to gays throughout the United States.
“For 109 years AJC has stood for liberty and human rights,” its tweet said. “Today is a happy day for that proud tradition #LoveWins.” It was punctuated with a heart emoticon splashed rainbow colors.
The contrast between an organization founded at the launch of the last century celebrating the rights embraced by Americans only at the launch of this one was emblematic of the glee with which much of the Jewish establishment reacted to the ruling.
The Anti-Defamation League, in its own tweet, left out its age (102) but also got in the hashtag, #LoveWins, and that funny little heart.
Thirteen Jewish groups, among them organizations representing the Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative streams, were among the 25 joining the amicus brief the ADL filed in Obergefell v. Hodges.
The preeminence of Jewish groups among those backing the litigants was not a surprise. In recent decades, much of the Jewish establishment has embraced gay marriage as a right equivalent to the others it has advocated, including racial equality, religious freedoms and rights for women.
It was a lot of work for these Jews to totally abolish the traditional European Christian value system and replace it with this. So they absolutely have a right to celebrate this great achievement.
On the same day, in the same paper, we hear about an evil Christian pastor accusing the Jews of pushing for the legalization of gay marriage.
Mark Dankof, a Lutheran pastor and political activist, declared the Jews to blame for the Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday which declared any law to ban Gay marriage unconstitutional.
Speaking to reporters from Iran’s Press TV, Dankof insisted that Jewish influence and money were being used to destroy Christian culture and values globally.
“It should not be ignored that the victories for abortion on demand and LGBT rights are reflective of the disproportionate influence of Jewish power, money, and activism in the United States,” he declared.
“The key Jewish role played in the mainstreaming of abortion, LGBT, and pornography in the United States may be documented in Google search, especially in looking at the Frankfurt School and its Institute for Social Research,” added Dankof.
What a wacky nutjob conspiracy theorist. There is no evidence whatsoever that Jews played any role in the legalization of gay marriage, and you would have to be completely off your rocker with hatred to ever formulate that type of outrageous theory.
There is absolutely no agenda by Jews to abolish the traditional European Christian value system.