Jews Celebrate “Heroic” Whore Who Slept with German Soldiers to Give Them STDs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2014

A plaque for an STD whore who may or may not of existed but was a hero because she killed Germans.
A plaque for an STD whore who may or may not of existed but was a hero because she killed Germans.

Yet more stupid and weird, creepy nonsense about WWII from the Jews? Who could have seen that coming?

Presently, they have invented a fairy tale about a “heroine” Czech slut who purposefully got infected with STDs and then gave them to NSDAP soldiers by seducing them.

They have honored the alleged STD whore a plaque, and are circulating the bizarre, cartoonish gibberish throughout the media.

Unsurprisingly, as is usually the case with these Jew tales, there is no evidence that this happened or that the Czech slut ever actually existed.

The Jews in the south Bohemian town of Trebon claim that the woman – a nurse who no one remembers the name of (not even the first name) – decided to take revenge on the German army after a soldier raped her in 1938. That is of course impossible, because German soldiers didn’t rape women.

Former lawyer Karel Friml, a 79-year-old who presently lives n the house the nameless STD terrorist lived in, supports the move, even though he also doesn’t know if she existed in real life.

He said: “Unfortunately, we don’t know her exact name because time and memories have failed to preserve it.

“But we know that she was assigned to look after wounded German soldiers and began affairs with them.”

We know that there was a nurse who was looking after wounded soldiers. Great.

Hitler at the liberation of Prague.
Hitler at the liberation of Prague.

Friml says the locals first accused her of being a typical slut, as she was getting it on with loads of soldiers who passed her way, Friml claims without explaining how or why he has this information, but when the soldiers began “disappearing or dying,” the people learned she was deliberately giving them venereal disease.

“This was her resistance and vengeance for the rape of her country and her personal rape,” he said. “She had many German lovers, maybe six, maybe ten, maybe more.

“People say that all of them disappeared after the affair with her.”

I honestly cannot believe the Jews still have the nerve to invent new stories such as this, and then publish news articles about them like they’re true. This is a story a five-year-old would make up, if he was a twisted pervert five-year-old. Like lampshades and soap, and a massive program to shave people’s hair off before you gassed them because you wanted to make it into mattresses.

What STD is it, exactly, that kills people? Or causes them to “disappear” (whatever that even means)? HIV didn’t exist then, so the only deadly one would have been syphilis, and even if this was in 1938, anyone she would have infected with that wouldn’t have died until the war was over – surely they weren’t hanging around in an infirmary with the same slutty nurse for years on end, and if they were staying for an extended period, it was presumably because they were seriously injured and thus likely to die with or without a slut nurse’s vicious vaginal wrath.

Jewish historians believe the mysterious Czech nurse may have infused her vaginal secretions with the dark energies which emanate from the Cosmic Cube.
Jewish historians believe the mysterious Czech nurse may have infused her vaginal secretions with the dark energies which emanate from the Cosmic Cube.

And if she did have some unknown or magical venereal infection, how did it kill soldiers (or cause them to “disappear”) while not doing the same to her?

Oh, and the regional historian cited by these news articles, the curator of the museum in Trebon Jirina Psikova, was quoted as saying “The woman is historically unrecognised with no known documents mentioning her, but several people remember her story and opinion is divided.”

So, we have a really detailed story about her, even though we don’t know her name, and maybe she didn’t actually exist, or maybe she was just a slutty nurse who liked German soldiers.

This is also an insult to Czech women, calling them whorish. Even if she did want to violate the Hippocratic oath and kill German soldiers she was charged with caring for, why would she use an STD – that she must have purposefully infected herself with somehow to begin with – to do this? Why would she just not poison them?

Ah, but why would the Germans build gas chambers instead of just shooting the Jews?

Apparently, in the 1940s, everyone was just prone to doing things comic book-style.