Jews Claim Donald’s Support Plunging Based on One Poll

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2015

Lying Jew parasites are crawling out of their damp pits to attack and defame the Donald based on a singular poll.

Slate claims he has gone too far:

Donald Trump is still the frontrunner in the GOP presidential contest but support among Republicans has plunged 12 percentage points in less than a week, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll. The drop, which marks the sharpest plunge since Trump became the frontrunner in July, means the real estate mogul was the top choice for 31 percent of Republicans, down from 43 percent on Nov. 22.

Trump’s decline was measured in a five-day rolling poll that ended on Nov. 27. Whether it actually means anything remains to be seen considering Trump has dropped in polls before only to bounce back again. But it’s difficult to ignore that this latest plunge comes shortly after Trump seems to have taken his hateful rhetoric to new highs. After the Nov. 13 Paris attacks, for example, Trump said he would back requiring all Muslims in the United States to register in a database. He was also roundly criticized for mocking a New York Times reporter who has a disability.

In fact, a single poll means little to nothing, and when more polls appear this week, the numbers will be back up.

What they are attempting to do here is get people to stop supporting Trump based on a false belief that others have stopped supporting Trump. It’s a Jew psychological technique. The poll was quite possibly staged for this purpose.

The Donald has not gone too far. He has not gone far enough. The further he goes, the more people love him.

Of course Moslems should be registered in a database. Even though he didn’t actually ever say that, it is obvious that it should happen. They should also be deported in mass, even if they were born here. Normal people hate Moslems and want the bastards out.

And that cripple? Screw that weirdo. No one cares about his diseased emotions.

Time to kick it up a notch.