Daily Stormer
November 17, 2015

Jews are claiming private schools are an anti-Semitic conspiracy and trying to shut them down. Actual research shows that private schools teach the goyim to love Jews even more than public ones.
American Enterprise Institute:
Most major American Jewish organizations oppose voucher and other school choice programs based in part on the fear that private, mostly religious, schools do not check the development of anti-Semitism as well as do government operated public schools.
A large, national survey finds that the more adult Americans attended private, particularly religious, schools when they were younger, the more favorable they are in their attitudes toward Jews.
The measure of anti-Semitism used in this study is adapted from one used by the Anti-Defamation League, but its omission of neutral response categories overstates how much Americans actually oppose anti-Semitism. Large percentages of Americans express ignorance or indifference when confronted with anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Maybe these Jews are just against private schooling because they want goyim to be dumber?