Jews Continue to Intensify Whining About Being Called Mean Names

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2016


Roflmao I didn’t even make this meme. I should have. Schrode actually looks even more like xenomorph than she does like a weasel. 

Jews have intensified their whining campaign against the Stormer Troll Army and allied pro-Trump Alt-Right trolls.

The New York Jewish Week is reporting that new campaigns are being launched both to stop Trump totally and to try and force him to denounce hateful anti-Semitic supporters.

It’s like these Jews are determined to make every morning Christmas morning for Nazis.

Bethany Mandel, a political columnist, has received such a barrage of anti-Semitic tweets since her criticism of Donald Trump — everything from being called a “slimy Jewess” to being told she “deserve[s] the oven” — that she went out and bought a gun.

“After I tweeted something like, ‘Now that Trump has won South Carolina we won’t hear the end of his anti-Semitic fans,’ I was receiving a tweet almost every 30 seconds,” she recalled, adding that she received death threats and that someone even posted her phone number and home address.

Death threats again????

But why was no one prosecuted, Bethany??? It’s totally and completely illegal to send death threats over the internet! So if they were sent, surely there is an ongoing investigation you can cite, right???

But surely if there is no evidence, and this is just a totally fraudulent claim, the NYJW would note that there isn’t proof – right???

I mean, a Jewish journalist wouldn’t collude with another Jewish journalist to defame anti-Semitic trolls – would they????

She then bought the gun, something she said she had long planned to do but put off because of all the paperwork involved in obtaining a gun permit in New Jersey.


Because the fact that no one has ever been murdered by an internet troll doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen any time.

Gotta be ready for a shoot-out, should these trolls roll-up on you.

Now, from across the political spectrum, members of the Jewish community have begun speaking out about the ugly tenor of the primary campaign season that ended this week with Hillary Clinton winning enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee. And at least one progressive Jewish organization, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, has launched a campaign to defeat Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, because of his hate-filled rhetoric.

“This campaign of Donald Trump is terrifying,” said Stosh Cotler, the group’s CEO. “He is tapping into some legitimate fears and concerns that many Americans hold about their future and the state of the country. But the root causes and solutions he is presenting are absolutely dangerous. He is appealing to the worst aspects of our country’s history — intense xenophobia, racism and anti-Muslim Islamophobia — that is running rampant in this country.

Because Bend the Arc is a 501(c)(4) group, it may devote a portion of its activities to advocacy politics.

Cotler said it is the Jewish community that must now speak up to show its “moral outrage about Trump’s policy positions that go against the very grain of what the Jewish community stands for, and the ethics and morality that our tradition teaches.”

Jewish ethnics are the opposite of Trump’s ethnics, because Trump’s ethnics are White ethics.

Just like Hitler.

This is why it is 100% accurate to say that Donald Trump is literally Hitler.

For instance, Cotler said Judaism “teaches not to abuse the widow, the stranger and the orphan — and yet he is aggressively anti-immigrant, violently anti-Muslim and misogynistic in the way he speaks about women.”


What about Israel though, kike?

Don’t they have a gigantic wall?

A general view shows a section of Israel's controversial separation barrier in the West Bank village of Al-Ram on the outskirts of Jerusalem on December 7, 2012. AFP PHOTO/AHMAD GHARABLI (Photo credit should read AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/Getty Images)

Aren’t they committing a genocide against the native people of the territory?


Donald Trump has not, to my knowledge, called for a genocidal bombing campaign against Mexico to steal their land.

And how about “asylum seekers” in Israel – don’t you label them “infiltrators” and put them in camps surrounded by barbed-wire fences until you can deport them to Sweden?


And women – does Israel not have gender-segregated sidewalks?


I’m pretty sure that’s a little more extreme than a menstruation joke, Jew!

Seems to me that if you’re really fussed about the rights of brown people and women, you should go campaign in your own country, get these issues fixed there, then come and lecture Whites about it.

Otherwise Jew, you come across as just a wee-bit hypocritical, no?

Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, assistant dean of the rabbinical school at the Jewish Theological Seminary, pointed out that “the Talmud teaches that one who has the ability to protest a sin and doesn’t, it is as if he is committing that sin himself.”

The Anti-Defamation League responded last week to the social media attacks on Jewish journalists by creating a Task Force on Hate Speech and Journalism to assess the scope of the attacks, its impact and how to prevent more attacks in the future.

Among the representatives of journalism, law enforcement, academia and non-governmental groups on the task force is Todd Gitlin, a professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia University.

“I have never heard anything like this or heard of anything like this,” he said of the attacks on journalists.

Well, now you have.

And you’re going to be hearing a whole lot more about it, Gitlin.

We’ve got your twitter.


“There is a lunatic fringe that has always existed in America that hates Jews and usually other groups as well,” he said. “Every once in a while they pop up in public. … What has happened now is that Trump has given these people cover to creep out from under their rocks.”

He pointed out that Melania Trump, the candidate’s wife, contributed to the anti-Semitic attacks against Jewish journalist Julia Ioffe, author of an article in which Mrs. Trump was profiled in GQ, by saying of the attacks: “She provoked it.”

Mrs. Trump had called the article “another example of the dishonest media and their disingenuous reporting.” After her comments, the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer — whose publisher has endorsed Trump — encouraged readers to tweet Ioffe and “let her know what you think of her dirty kike trickery.”

Classic line.

That Daily Stormer you speak of sounds like a real classy act. I would donate to a site like that, to help them with their radical Jew-crushing agenda.

When asked by CNN what message he had for his fans who had sent such “anti-Semitic death threats,” Trump replied: “I know nothing about it. You’ll have to talk to them about that. … I don’t have a message to the fans.”He then added, “There is nothing more dishonest than the media.”

What he actually said was, “There is nothing more dishonest than the (((media))).”

A spokeswoman for Trump did not respond to an email seeking comment for this story.

Deborah Lipstadt, an American historian and Holocaust scholar at Emory University who is now writing a book about contemporary anti-Semitism, laid the blame for “a lot” of the anti-Semitic vitriol at Trump’s feet.

Lipstadt is writing a book on contemporary anti-Semitism – and she hasn’t contacted me???

I am the world’s most contemporary anti-Semite!

"Better to reign in Neo-Nazi White Supremacy than serve in Cuckoldry." -Andrew Anglin


“He didn’t create these people but I believe his rhetoric, comments and behavior have taken the lid off something that is already there,” she explained. “He has made it acceptable to say some of these things. Just because people don’t use the ‘n’ word in public does not mean they don’t use it; so, too, with anti-Semitism. Lots of people who might have been reluctant to say these things in public are saying them because of a confluence of the Internet — which gives them the vehicle to say it — and what Trump helped unleash that made it OK to say.

But why do so many people hate the Jews, Lipstadt???

Will you be explaining that in your new book???

Because it’s hard to believe the answer is “no reason”!

Maybe part of it is them forcing all of these immigrants down the throats of White people???

Also maybe people don’t like all of these wars we’re being forced to fight for Israel???

Maybe they are bothered by the way Jews control the financial system and use it to drain the blood of the goyim???

Could it be that they’re opposed to the Jew-controlled media pushing every form of twisted degeneracy onto them???

Maybe we should talk about this stuff, and work it out!

“I don’t think it’s solely his anti-immigrant stance,” Lipstadt added in an e-mail. “It’s a nexus of things: his language, his assaults on others (especially those he perceives as weaker than him, e.g. women, minorities, disabled, poor), his refusal to disavow [former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard] David Duke, his refusal to disavow the white supremacist groups that have backed him, his love of violence, his making fun of [Arizona Sen.] John McCain, etc., etc. etc.

lol @ John McCain.

Poor bastard!

What about his feelings???

Trump never even thought of his feelings!

Within the last two weeks, the anti-Semitic attacks on social media have shifted to target Erin Schrode, a Jewish 25-year-old in California who campaigned to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. The attacks began after Daily Stormer posted a JTA profile of her last Friday, triggering more than 115 anti-Semitic responses on its website, including: “These evil jews [sic] should be sent to camps,” “Fire up the oven!” and “She’d make a beautiful lampshade.”

There’s those Daily Stormers again!

These guys sound like a fun bunch of TOTAL BROS!


“There is a culture of politics that is based in fear — where the rhetoric that propagates hate dominates,” she told The Jewish Week. “Donald Trump is the embodiment of that and people are following him in droves. It’s easier to rally people around fear than love.”

Schrode lost the primary election to Democratic incumbent Jared Huffman.

Oh, and you’re not even going to give The Daily Stormer credit.

Bah-Humbug to you too, kike!

Rabbi J. David Bleich, who holds the Tenzer chair in Jewish law and ethics at Yeshiva University, said the primary campaign “has ably illuminated all of the flaws of the democratic system. It’s off the tracks. … That’s what we should focus on — how could things get so bad in a democracy. It’s shocking and frightening. You have a campaign in which there has been nothing but invectives and you don’t hear policy statements.


Now we have to shut down democracy!

Because the people are voting against the Jew agenda!

That’s beautiful.

Keep the Ovens Fueled!

We’ve got these Jews on the run, brothers!

Keep the heat on!

Keep your lampshade machine tuned-up!

Our day is coming soon!


Hail Victory.